
Serbian people appeal the Government not to recognise TNC in Libya

The following letter was sent to the Government of Serbia and all of it's highest representatives. Under the original text in Serbian, we prepared the translation in English for all of You who live abroad, but wish to join this initiative regarding the formal intent of our government to recognize the TNC as legitimate representatives of the Libyan people.
APEL građana Srbije povodom najave Vlade Srbije da namerava da prizna TNC kao legitimnog predstavnika Libijskog naroda


Obraćamo Vam se potreseni strahotom tekucih zbivanja u prijateljskoj Libiji.

Kao što znate, rat u Libiji počeo je na vrlo sličan način kao i u Srbiji, na Kosovu i Metohiji 1999. godine. Grupa terorista, pogrešno nazvana borcima za slobodu, uz punu podršku NATO snaga i moćne medijske mašinerije, krenula je u osvajački rat protiv običnog naroda, ubijajući i rušeći sve pred sobom. Vojska Libije, kao legitimna odbrambena snaga suverene zemlje, braneći narod i reagujući u skladu sa Ustavom i zakonom, medijski je demonizovana i bez ikakvog dokaza nazvana režimskom, agresorskom, diktatorskom.
Ovih dana smo svedoci najprljavije moguće i na žalost, dobro smišljene i organizovane medijske kampanje protiv pukovnika Gadafija i libijskog naroda koji je, velikom većinom, uz njega. Pukovnik Gadafi, što i sami znate, kao mnogo puta osvedočeni prijatelj naše zemlje i naroda, zaslužio je podršku svih nas, posebno u ovim teškim trenucima kada mu nemilosrdno ruše zemlju koju je godinama gradio kako bi obezbedio bolje uslove života ne samo građanima Libije, već cele Afrike. 

Svedoci smo, takođe, nedopustivog i na medjunarodnom pravu neutemeljenog priznavanja “nacionalnog prelaznog veća Libije” kao i nasilnih upada i fizičkih obračuna malih grupa libijskih studenata koji podržavaju samoproklamovano “nacionalno prelazno veće” protiv zvaničnih predstavnika i diplomata svoje zemlje u ambasadama Libije širom sveta.

Zbog svih događaja vezanih za prijateljsku nam zemlju Libiju, apelujemo i molimo Vas da, pod pritiskom medija i interesnih grupacija , ne prekidate godinama građene dobre odnose sa pukovnikom Gadafijem i više od svega, da ne podržite nepravdu koja se čini jednoj zemlji i njenom narodu. Mi, građani Srbije, Vas molimo, kao narod koji je pretrpeo sličnu nepravdu, da ne priznajete “nacionalno prelazno veće” kao i da ne prekidate diplomatske odnose sa aktuelnim, legalno izabranim predstavnicima Socijalističke Arapske Libijske Džamahirije.

Prava snaga jednog lidera ogleda se u podršci naroda koji vodi.
Računamo na Vas i verujemo u Vas!

Građani Srbije

Here is a translation in English:

To whom it may concern, 

We are addressing you deeply moved by the current events in the friendly state of Libya.

As you are aware, the war in Libya started in a rather similar way as the war in Serbia, that is on Kosovo and Metohija, back in 1999. A group of terrorists that was wrongly named «freedom fighters», supported by NATO and the most powerful media machinery, started an invaders war on common people killing and destroying everything that stood their way. The Libyan army as the legitimate defense force of a sovereign state that was defending the Libyan people and acting according to the existing laws was unjustly demonized by foreign media and erroneously labeled as regime, aggressor and dictator's army.

These days, we are all the witnesses of the dirtiest and unfortunately superbly designed and organized media campaign against   Gaddafi and the Libyan people itself whose majority is supporting him. Muammar al Gaddafi, as you well know yourself, is an old and proved friend of Serbia and the Serbian people. And as such he deserves the support of all of us in these hard moments when the country that he had been building during so many years in order to give a better life not only to the Libyans, but to all the people in Africa, is being bestially and mercilessly destroyed.

We are witnesses as well of an unpermitted and in the international laws unbased process of recognizing of TNC by the same countries that wage the war on Libya in the first place. Unfortunately, we witness as well that a small groups of Libyan students studying abroad that support self - proclaimed TNC make the violent entries and even engage in beating the official Libyan representatives and diplomats in the Libyan embassies all over the world.

Given all the events concerning the friendly state of Libya we are appealing to you that you do not interrupt excellent relationship with Muammar al Gaddafi, built during many years in the past and above all that you do not support the supreme injustice that is being done to Libya and the Libyan people. We, citizens of Serbia, being ourselves the subject of the same injustice,  appeal to you not to recognize Transitional National Council and that you do not interrupt the diplomatic relationship with the present, legally elected representatives of the Socialist Arab Libyan Jamahirya.

The strength of a true leader is reflected in the support of the people he leads.
We do count on you and we believe in you!

Citizens of Serbia

You can send this to the following e-mails:
Ministar Jeremić -;
Ministarstvo inostranih poslova -;
Kabinet predsednika Vlade i ministra finansija Mirka Cvetkovića -;
Skupština - ,
Boris Tadić -;
Narodna kanc. Predsednika Republike -;

You can also sign a petition here.

Serbian workers in Libya: Mistake or revenge?

Rebels in Libya captured five workers from Serbia

"NATO's Islamist terrorist fanatics, which have slaughtered children, raped women, abducted girls and impaled young boys with metal rods, have now seized five Serbian construction workers.

The Serbs were working normally and said they were seized during their lunch break in Tripoli." says Timothy Bancroft- Hinchey in today's PRAVDA.RU
There has been a swift reaction of Serbian users of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, who started a campaign for the immediate release of the apprehended workers and more information on their whereabouts. There was a report on the Serbian B92 about this arrest, where they quoted the members of the self proclaimed NTC saying that they have arrested five Serbian nationals and although they identified themselves as workers, it is believed they were working as snipers for Gaddafi. B92 haven't thought to ask for their names or whereabouts, to the best of our knowledge. Nor have we seen any particular interest by government on that matter. The claim that the above mentioned were "arrested snipers working as Gaddafi's mercenaries" is by itself ridiculous!  Do you know of many cases of apprehended snipers? Five of them together? Not likely! What worries us is the treatment they would receive under custody of those same rebels that were labeling black people in Libya as mercenaries and had them tortured and executed on public squares in front of masses in Benghazi and Dherna. Considering how the Serbs were labeled as Gaddafi's mercenaries from the very beginning, even advertised so on you tube videos featuring Libya, it is not hard to imagine what faith could await our workers in such circumstances.

Serbian people demand that the Serbian President promptly react and demand an URGENT release of Serbian workers who were falsely accused of killing civilians with snipers in Libya.

R.I.P. Kosovo's children

Gorazdevac: Memorial service-anniversary of the Bistrica river slaughter

Murder in Gorazdevac is one of four major crimes against the Serbs since the arrival of the international mission. The killers are not punished, as well as in three other crimes - in the Old Gracko, Obilic near Podujevo.

Unknown persons fired on the Serbian children who were swimming in the river near Gorazdevac,killing Ivan Jovovic (19) and Pantelija Dakic (13),and seriously wounding Djordje Ugrenović (20), Bogdan Bukumiric (14), Marko Bogićević (12) and Dragan Srbljak (13).

Today, as every year on this day, in the church of the Holy Virgin in Gorazdevac , Vladika Teodosije will hold a memorial service for the murdered boys.


Impending economic and humanitarian crisis

Minister of Health in the Serbian Government, Zoran Stankovic, has announced yesterday that new shipment of medicines and medical supplies is to be send to Gracanica and other Serbian enclaves in Kosovo and Metohija, on Monday August the 15th. He told the B92 TV that the hospitals in Gracanica, Strpci, Pruzani and other enclaves would be supplied with all the necessary medical equipment. He also reminded that the Government has already sent one shipment of medicines and medical supplies to Kosovo and Metohija (Kosovo) last week .

Meanwhile, Northern Kosovo Serbs are facing an impending economic and humanitarian crisis due to the lack of basic food and medical supplies. KFOR doesn't allow any vehicle to pass to the Northern part of Kosovo, so the basic supplies didn't arrive yesterday and the embargo on the goods from Serbia lasts for days now. The stores on the north of Kosovo are emptier by the day. Bread, milk, flour, oil and other supplies are missing from the store shelves.

At the same time, many of the employees of the biggest companies in the region are facing unemployment due to embargo.

Slavisa Stanic, General Secretary of the Economic Chamber of Kosovo and Metohija, stated for the newspaper "Politika" that the economy in the north is in danger of the complete collapse, because it is unable to import raw materials or to transport goods to Serbia.

Thousands of people who work in large companies, such as "Trepca", in the Factory "Lola" in Lesak , the facilities in Zubin Potok, and in the factory "Simpo" in Zubin Potok, will remain out of work.

The team for the investigation of Dick Marty's report is ready

Section of the report, which was already distributed to the ambassadors of Security Council members, states that EULEX has completed formation of a special team to deal with investigation of allegations of the Council of Europe special rapporteur, Dick Marty, and that the investigation into the links of former KLA commanders with human organ trafficking is to begin soon .

Quiet night at the barricades

Last night, as all the previous nights since the beggining of the crisis in Northern Kosovo ( Kosovo and Metohia) on the July the 25th, Serbs remained on the barricades in the village Rudare, near Zvecane, while observing all the other roads leading to Brnjak and Jarinje crossings. It was quiet, as much as it is possible since they say the words "suspense" and "tension" are two best words to describe the situation in Northern Kosovo, says the reporter of KiM radio from Kosovska Mitrovica, Sladjana Trifunovic.

Mayors of four municipalities of Northern Kosovo sent a letter to Ban Ki-moon

The Greek newspaper "Proto Thema" reports that the representatives of four municipalities of Northern Kosovo (Kosovo and Metohia) have sent a letter to Secretary-General of UN, Ban Ki-moon, in which they expressed their concerns about the security of Serbian population in this part of Kosovo (Kosovo and Metohia), after the threats of the temporary Kosovo authorities from Pristina, that they would violently integrate the north of Kosovo and bring Albanian policemen and custom officers, after the departure of the KFOR. They stressed the importance of the information they have received about the possible action of KFOR, EULEX and the Kosovo police, that could endanger the stability and the safety of the region, but also the lives of both Kosovo Serbs and the members of KFOR and EULEX. In the same letter, that was also sent to the representatives of UNMIK, EULEX, KFOR and OSCE, the mayors of four municipalities reported that the Commander of KFOR, Erhard Buler's behavior is unprofessional and under the orders of the US Ambassador in Pristina, Christopher Dell.

The Security Council session to be postponed

The Security Council session that was scheduled for August 24th will most likely be postponed due to the two-day visit of Angela Merkel to Belgrade on August 22 and 23, that would prevent the Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic from arriving to UN headquarters in New York in time. "We are currently considering the option of postponing the Security Council Session for Monday August 29th, so that the Minister Jeremic could present the official position of the Serbian authorities on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija" said the Serbian Ambassador in the UN, Fedor Starcevic.

We will have to wait until then for the Ban Ki-moon's report on the crisis in Kosmet, because he had completed his regular report before the recent events took place. Beside the Ban Ki-moon's report and information about the recent events in Kosmet, there is to be discussion,on Serbia's request, that the investigation into allegations of Dick Marty gets a UN mandate.

In the days preceding the outbreak of violence, the United Nations have stated that the situation in the north is relatively peaceful, but tensions are slowly rising, especially because the local Serb leaders have consistently expressed concern about the intentions of the Kosovo authorities to expand their operations in northern Kosovo (Kosovo and Metohia), through the actions of ROSU unit and the traffic police.

Crossed traffic signs

On the traffic sign by the road Skopje-Pristina, at the entrance to the city, someone crossed the names of Belgrade and Pristina in the Serbian language and inscribed over the signpost

"Enver Zimberija street." Enver Zimberi was a member of a special unit ROSU who was killed during the violent try to take over administrative check-point Brnjak-Jarinje.

The Truth about Srebrenica

Muslims deliberately sacrificed their own

After years of thorough research, Dr. Bulajic summarises the situation as follows: The General Staff of the Muslim Army issued an order to the 28th Muslim division in Srebrenica to carry out raids outside the demilitarized zone in order to ease the theater of operation around Sarajevo. 

Even though the war presidency of Srebrenica was very much against such provocations, right on the eve of the attack on Srebrnica in 1995, many raids were carried out in Serbian areas, completely destroying the Serbian village of Visnjica. The army of the Serb Republic was drawn into a trap.

Through UNPROFOR, General Ratko Mladic called on the Muslim soldiers in the demilitarized zone to lay down their arms and guaranteed they would be treated as prisoners of war according to the Geneva Convention and under the control of the UN. 

The Muslim General Staff rejected that offer but sent women and children to the Serbs at the UNPROFOR base in Potocani. At the same time, an armed column of men set off from Susnjar through Serbian territory in the direction of Tuzla. 

In a firefight, the greatest number of Muslims soldiers were killed in action there. The Second Corp from Tuzla did not offer them any support whatsoever in that perilous action.

Another fact shows that the Muslims from Srebrenica were deliberately sacrificed. Right before the attack by the Serbian Army that was provoked by raids on Serbian villages, the commander of the 28th Muslim Division Naser Oric and approximately 20 other chief officers were withdrawn from Srebrenica. Documents show that the Muslim army did not have any plan for defending Srebrenica and that the army of the Serb Republic captured the town with a very small force-200 soldiers and three tanks.

The real objective of the Muslim authorities was not only to create a situation that would allow NATO to bomb the Serbian positions without the approval of the UN Security Council but also to hide from the world the ethnic cleansing of Serbs from the Serb Republic of Krajina, carried out with direct help from the USA and NATO at the beginning of August 1995.

No desire to reveal the truth

According to Dr. Bulajic, it still has not been established how many Muslims were killed. “Had the Muslim authorities really wanted to establish the number of victims, they could have organized a census and compared the numbers with those of the 1991 census. With this, the exact number of victims would have been established, but that has not been done. 

The census was not carried out even in 2001 even though a census is obligatory every 10 years. Had a census been carried out, it would have also shown how many Serbs have been killed in Srebrenica and Sarajevo. Bosnia and Herzegovina remained the only country in the region not to have a census in 2001. 

Perhaps they did not want the truth to be known since it would have shown that, in fact, Serbs were the victims of ethnic cleansing and revealed the number killed in massacres committed against 192 Serbian villages in the region of Srebrenica. It also would have shown that the number of Serbs killed and missing in Sarajevo exceeded the number of Muslims killed in Srebrenica.

 That is why I claim that there was no genocide in Srebrenica. There were war crimes on both sides. It is necessary to establish exactly who committed them as well as the number of victims of all nationalities and religions with names and surnames,” claims Bulajic.

Dr. Bulajic further said that one year ago he suggested that an international conference on this topic be organized in our country to which Paddy Ashdown, Dr. Cekic and other international officials should be invited. 
 However, the State Commission of the Serb Republic for Srebrenica responded that it forwarded the proposal to the government of the Serb Republic but that all ended with that.

The charges withdrawn after October 5, 2000.

“I want in particular to point out the following disturbing fact,” said Dr. Bulajic. “The Muslim government of Bosnia and Herzegovina brought charges against Serbia to the International Court of Justice for genocide in Bosnia, demanding damages in the amount of $200 to $300 billion. 

After that accusation, with the help of a group of international lawyers, we produced solid counter charges for the crimes against the Serbs. However, one of the first things that the government of the FRY did after October 2, 2000, was to withdraw the accusation even though the charges of Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina remained. Croatia also brought charges against Serbia for genocide in their country while our country did not bring charges against Croatia for Jasenovac or for Operations ‘Flash’ or ‘Storm,’” says Bulajic.

According to Bulajic, the government of the Serb Republic has a very strange role in this matter. Dr. Smail Cekic is a member of the Serb Republic State Commision for Srebrenica but not Dr. Bulajic and/or the well known experts he recommended-Prof. Dr. Srboljub Zivanovic (London) and George Bogdanic and Philip Corwin (New York). 

On behalf of the Commission, Dr. Cekic signed the preliminary report-the indictment of April 12, 2004, regarding the alleged refusal of the General Staff of the army of the Serb Republic and the Ministry of Interior to reveal the truth about Srebrenica.

“The October 15, 2004, final report of the Commission was not revealed to the public,” Bulajic said. “When Carla del Ponte, before the UN Security Council and Council of NATO, claimed that the Serbs admitted that their army killed 7,800 Muslims but that the number is not included in the report because the Commission was not after the number of the victims but only wanted to establish the number of missing and when the Muslims confirmed that the report was not published in its entirety, I concluded that the ‘genocide against Muslims’ in Srebrenica should be considered as one more in a series of untrue accusations.”

Srebrenica was a centar of jihad

“The army of the Serb Republic did not have an operative plan to conquer the UN protected zone of Srebrenica in July 1995. Operation “Krivaja 95” was distorted (??). 

 Srebrenica was not demilitarized as stipulated by the Resolution of the Security Council (819/93) and by the Agreement of Demilitarization of April 17, 1993 between generals Ratko Mladic and Safet Halilovic under the sponsorship of General Erik Vah'grene. Srebrenica became a centar of terrorist activities-jihad-carried out by the 28th Muslim Division under the command of Naser Oric and with the participation of Arab mujahideen. (There are documents and videos to prove that). 
One hundred, forty-two Serbian villages were destroyed, the inhabitants expelled and their houses burned. Many instances of decapitation were recorded as well as circumcision of newborn boys. Generally, the attacks were carried out during Orthodox holidays such as St. Peter's Day and Christmas of 1993,” notes Dr. Bulajic.
Petar Pasic

Another evidence of how the Srebrenica authorities manipulated the information on the actual population of Srebrenica

 No: o1-06/94
 Date: 11.01.1994.

 S A R A J E V O

 T U Z L A

 T U Z L A
 Based on your document No:031-01/3 dated 07.01.1994. we are supplying you with the requested data:
     - Number of local inhabitants in the municipality - 9.791;
     - Number of local inhabitants who were dislocated from their 
       homes within the boundaries of municipality - 10.756
     - Number of inhabitants dislocated from other municipalities- 16.708
 NOTE: The requested data are provided for the purpose of statistics and you shouldn't give them to the International Organizations, because in contact with them we are calculating with a number of 45.000 inhabitants.
                                            CHAIRMAN OF THE 
                                            PRESIDENCY OF MUNICIPALITY 
                                            OF SREBRENICA
                                            Selihovic Fahrudin dipl. vet.

So, as the defense of Mr. Tolimir argued in relation to this evidence, in the Pre-Trial Brief:Pages 47-50 of this document

"According to report number 02/1-727/68 of 27 July 1995, in which the command of the 2nd Corps of the BH Army informs the BH Army Main Staff that a total of 29,336 inhabitants left the Srebrenica enclave
which was not the final number, since, according to this document, it did not include the number of those who were being “treated in hospitals and military medical institutions”, 
and bearing in mind the route along which they were breaking through towards Tuzla, the combat operations that they were taking part in, and the distance that they had travelled, it can be presumed that the number of those admitted for treatment before 4 August was quite high. 

This number also did not include the 700 members of the BH Army who 
headed from Srebrenica towards Zepa 36 Consequently, the number of those who left 
Srebrenica was not final, considering that the “withdrawal” continued for months after the liberation of Srebrenica. 123.

On the other hand, in the Report Based on Debriefing on Srebrenica, which can be considered reliable, paragraph 5.38 says that according to the UN’s information, 35,632 refugees had reached Tuzla by 4 August 1995.37 124. 

Consequently, if we take that on 6 July, the Srebrenica enclave had the same number of inhabitants as on 11 January 1995 – 36,501 (which is impossible because of the waves of departures from Srebrenica), and we take from that number the 35,632 who arrived in Tuzla alone, according to the UN’s information cited in the Report Based on Debriefing on Srebrenica, we get the number of 869 persons whose fate “was not clear” on that 4 August 1995, that is, which can serve as the grounds for further investigation.

125. In addition, of the total number of those who were staying in Srebrenica in January 1995, it is necessary to deduct the number of civilians who left Srebrenica in the period from 11 January to 6 July 1995, which was not registered, the number of soldiers of the 28th Division of the BH Army who deserted and abandoned Srebrenica 
and were not registered, the number of those who left Srebrenica in some other way or the number of those who left Srebrenica together with Naser Oric, those who died in the first half of 1995 in combat operations with the VRS and in internal clashes, 
the number of those who headed towards Zepa, the number of those who were killed while breaking through towards Tuzla, and the number of those who were  exchanged as prisoners-of-war from Srebrenica in November and December 1995, etc., etc."

[36 With the liberation of Zepa, 200 of them headed back towards Srebrenica, and 500 went to the
territory of the Republic of Serbia, together with the remainders of the 2895th lbr /Light Brigade/ of the
BH Army.]


Srebrenica- "A town betrayed"

 I would like to open and close this post with a quote by an Irish writer Sebastian Barry:
"And all those boys of Europe born in those times, and thereabouts those times, Russian, Belgian, Serbian, Irish, English, Scottish, Welsh, Italian, Prussian, German, Austrian, Turkish – and Canadian, Australian, American, Zulu, Gurkha, Cossack, and all the rest – their fate was written in a ferocious chapter of the book of life, certainly. Those millions of mothers and their million gallons of mothers' milk, millions of instances of small-talk and baby-talk, beatings and kisses, ganseys and shoes, piled up in history in great ruined heaps, with a loud and broken music, human stories told for nothing, for ashes, for death's amusement, flung on the mighty scrap heap of souls, all those million boys in all their humours to be milled by the mill-stones of a coming war."
"A Long Long Way"

Norwegian documentary about Srebrenica...

"Morality has its own civil wars, with its own victims in their own time and place."
Sebastian Barry
The Secret Scripture. 


Serbia cutting it's limbs?

These are some translated excerpts from this great article by Nikola Vrzic in "Pečat"
You can find the original article here:

"Rudare, the Serbian barricade to Tadic's politics" 

"While Prime Minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaci holds emergency sessions of his government, the Prime Minister of Serbia is enjoying his vacation in Greece. While NATO is delivering fresh troops to confront the Serbs on the barricades, Serbian army is celebrating The Airforce Day. While Thaci is summoning his special forces and declaring the general mobilization, the President of Serbia Boris Tadic is summoning the members of Parliament who, together with the government officials are anxious to leave for their summer vacation, and declares that Serbia is a land of peace. While for the President of Kosovo, Kosovo has no alternative, to her colleague from Belgrade the European Union is that which has no better alternative. While that same European Union and the USA are openly taking the side of the Pristina's government, the Serbian Parliament insists on a dialogue with Pristina which is guided by Brussels and Washington, and receives the American support for it. While Kosovo authorities claim that the Jarinje crossing was set on fire by the criminals, the Serbian authorities claim the same thing...Yes, the Serbs at the barricades in Rudare, Leposavic, Zupce, Zubin Potok and the bridge in Mitrovica are left on their own.

This might not be the worst thing that could have happened to them during these last ten days crisis on the north of the Southern Serbian province. The crisis that unfolded with the sudden Serbian uprising  on the night between Monday and Tuesday, July 25th and 26th, and obstructed the three-year joint work on the completing of the Kosovo independence, and left all of us wondering whether these days our Western partners humiliated Boris Tadic more than Boris Tadic humiliated the Serbs."

However you put it, it is humiliating... I wonder if my children  would live to see "Serbia" written without the capital letter. When was the last time we had capable patriots leading this country, if ever? How will this period of our history be remembered? Why did we all give up on Kosovo and Metohija? Feel free to comment...

"The Belgrade's ultimatum to the Serbs
 It seams Belgrade has made a decision. Stab in the back of the Serbs from northern Kosovo. Wednesday night, judging by the announcement from KFOR, Serbian government representatives have officially canceled their request for reinstatement to the situation before the ROSU intrusion (Boris Tadic: 'Any consequence of the violent politics is unacceptable for Serbia and momentarily brings to question the negotiation and the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade.'). KFOR. will, the announcement after the agreement states, instead of Serbian KPS officers, until the mid September the latest, keep the control of Jarinje and Brnjak; the retreat of the Albanian customs officers they have brought, is not mentioned, which raises suspicion that it wasn't agreed at all. Ghetto for the Serbs would be human to the extent of humanity of those who inflicted it: in fact, the delivery (after control) of the humanitarian help will be enabled,  which practically means that KFOR, with the consent of Serbia,  would implement the decision of the Pristina's authorities on embargo for the goods from Serbia. And Serbs would pay for the humanitarian help by removing the barricades and "the freedom of movement would be established again"  Everything so very in accordance to the four points of Cooper's offer, of which we were informed by the German DPA, that look like they were written in Thaci's Office. According to very reliable sources of 'Pecat' Borko Stefanovic and Goran Bogdanovic, chief of Serbian negotiating team and Minister for Kosovo and Metohija in the Serbian Government, have reported the results of this agreement, of this unannounced  surrender of Mitrovica, Zubin Potok, Zvecane and Leposavic to Thaci's Pristina, last Wednesday night to the leaders Northern Kosovo Serbs. Together with the ultimatum worthy of those who are ready to make such a deal: either you accept, or Serbia turns it's back on you. Yes, the Serbs on the barricades in Rudare, Leposavic, Zupca, Zubin Potok and Mitrovica bridge are on their own.

Last Wednesday night they said no to Belgrade. And what will Serbia say if KFOR, EULEX and Pristina stage an incident and use it as a cause for the violent conflict with the 'Serbian rebels'? Announcements of just such, bloody scenario, in case that Serbs, in spite of everything, remain on the barricades, as people who have nothing to lose except everything they have, are already in abundance."

What can I say to that? "NO" was the only option for the Northern Kosovo Serbs anyway, and all the sides were aware of that, so this looks pretty much like a sell out by the Belgrade, which is apparently guided by the principle: Cut the infected limb, before the infection spreads to the entire body. I am asking- Why don't they use some antibiotics first? And more importantly- What happens when there is nothing else to cut off?


Italian General: "We were finding bodies of killed Serbs every morning (in Kosovo)

Rome – Mauro Del Vecchio, former General of Italian Army who led the unit of 7,000 soldiers that entered Kosovo in June of 1999 after end of NATO air strikes on Serbia told Italian ‘Panorama’ weekly that during the first three weeks of the mandate ‘reports on the found bodies of killed Serbs and Romas arrived on his table each morning’, but that was a taboo topic they were not allowed to speak about with journalists.

‘The killing continued later but not so frequently. Those that have not fled Kosovo were under permanent risk to be killed or raped. Deserted Serbian houses were leveled to the ground or set on fire. Albanians were attacking the churches and monasteries, too. Their goal
was to erase every trace of the Serbian presence in Kosovo’, Del Vecchio said. Today he is representing the Democratic Party in the Italian Senate.
The ‘Panorama’ weekly published for the first time photographs of Serbian victims made by Italian soldiers in 1999.
‘Nobody was taking Serbian bodies that were left in all possible places. Mothers and wives of abducted Serbs were pleading for their dearest to be found, but the majority of them have never been found, not even those that were dead’, Del Vecchio said.
The Italian weekly reports as a ‘horrifying fact’ that 70 percent of the total number of abducted Kosovo Serbs had disappeared after June 1999 when the war was officially over.
The magazine has also come in possession of photographs that the UNMIK soldiers found in Decani in 2003 but has not published them because they were ‘horrific’. They show the KLA members smiling with a cut off head of a Serbian reservist. Another photograph shows them putting in a bag at least two cut off heads. It is also said that at the time when the photographs were made that was the zone under command of Ramush Haradinaj. 

Kosovska Mitrovica – The health condition of injured firemen Marko Kisic and Bratislav Bozovic who sustained life injuries on Friday evening in an explosion while dealing with a fire is still serious and they are in intensive care of the hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica. Kisic is still in a critical condition. 

Kosovo: organ trafficking

After years of ignored claims, organ trafficking in Kosovo has finally reached prosecutors. At least seven people have been charged on suspicion of luring poor people to sell their kidneys with false promises of cash. ­The group is said to have targeted poor people from Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania by offering them around $20,000 for coming to Kosovo to have operations performed.


We will find our way to Kosovo

When I read this short news on the Radio KIM web site, I thought how the photo perfectly described the current situation of our government.

We have here the two "scape goats" of our government-  the chief of the negotiating team from Belgrade, Borko Stefanovic and the Minister for Kosovo and Metohia, Goran Bogdanovic, outdoors sweating on a hot summer day, with their ears on a phone, waiting for someone to tell them what would be the proper reaction to them not being able to get into Kosovo and Metohija. Apparently, K.F.O.R. soldiers "received an order from their superiors not to let any Serbian high officials who came unannounced , to cross the 'border' on Jarinje, before receiving a permission from the authorities in Pristina..." The description seemed to fit these two like a glow, since no other high government officials make a habit of visiting these days . After 30 minutes of unsuccessful negotiations these two "high government officials" stomped off ( well maybe not, but that's how I imagine them) saying : "We will find our way to Kosovo" and headed towards Raska. Now that's a statement, you might say- bold, stubborn and promising. I'm thinking Richard Burton in "The Battle of Sutjeska" or Bata Zivojinovic ( in any of his old films), true heroes! Well maybe it is, I think they were just talking about the practical issue of actually entering the province over which Stefanovic has to vindicate  Bogdanovic's authority. After the Foreign Minister of Serbia, Vuk Jeremic was not allowed to be present at the Security Council's closed session a couple of days ago, this is another hard slap in the face of Serbia's government, but our dear "leader" shows no intention of growing a spine and, for once, drawing a line. So, no help from there either...
The truly brave and impressive are the actions and organization of the local Serbs, how determined they are, how brave, how smart, not to let themselves be the price Serbia has to pay for entering the EU or the victims of another political manipulation conceived to make it impossible for our "leadership" not to accept the new, changed status of the province. They saw trough it all and reacted in their own inspired way-creating different events, such as a football match called "Goal for open border" in Jarinje crossing, right next to the barbwire  where the American soldiers stood. The  captains of the opposing teams exchanged bread and yoghurt before the match and  the referee was blind-folded and wearing a t-shirt that wrote EULEX and KFOR.

We also witnessed a wedding on the barricades the day before yesterday in Rudare, near Zvecane.

It all reminded me of a book by Orson Scott Card that I once read. I am not sure which of the sequels of "The Ender series" it was, but it was describing a silent resistance which was consisted ( if I remember correctly, I read it a long time ago) of every villager placing a small rock on the road, thus creating big piles of stone, which had to be removed by the passing army every couple of kilometers. That's the thing with important causes- every stone counts, every single person is a hero.

                                                                                            Posted by A4P