
Discover Serbia: Special Natures Reserve Uvac

Southwestern Serbia: The canyon of the Uvac River
Southwestern Serbia: The canyon of the Uvac River by Dragoljub Zamurovic 
"Uvac" Special Nature Reserve is a Ist category protected natural asset. 
It is situated in south-western Serbia in the region of Stari Vlah-Raška high plateau, between Mt.Zlatar in the Southwest and Mt. Javor in the Northeast. "Uvac" Special Nature Reserve occupies the territory of 5525 ha in Nova Varoš Municipality and 2018 ha in Sjenica Municipality, 7543 ha in total. Minimum altitude in the reserve is 760m above sea level, and maximum 1322 m.
Meandri Uvca by  Aleksandar Brajovic
Major morphological feature of the reserve is the Uvac River canyon valley including the valleys of its tributaries. The special value of canyon parts of the river valley are curving meanders. Relative height of meander heads is 100m at places.

Serbian Hero: Milenko Pavlovic

Milenko Pavlovic

Commander of the Hunters Regiment who took off instead of a junior officer to meet NATO squadron and without hesitation he embarked in the unequal struggle.

Lieutenant Colonel Milenko Pavlovic, of father Milorad and mother Radmila, was born in 1959. in the village of Gornje Crniljevo, near Osecina, in Valjevo municipality. First four grades of elementary school he finished in his native village, and then the next four in Osecina. He attended the Air Force Gymnasium in Mostar, and then continued his education as an Air Force Academy cadet in Podgorica, Pula and Zadar.

Dick Marty in Pristina?

Possibility of Dick Marty testifying on Medicus Clinic case
Source: RTS
EULEX prosecutor requested that Dick Marty testifies at the trial for organ trafficking in the case of Medicus clinic, saying that he is certain that the former rapporteur of the Council of Europe "has evidence of this case". Defense is against. Two witnesses had paid total of more than 100,000 euros for illegal transplants. EULEX special prosecutor, Jonathan Ratel will invite the former Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty, as a witness in the trial for illegal transplants in the clinic "Medicus", and he stated that the Swiss has evidence of the case: "I have strong reasons to believe that Marty had evidence of the case," said Ratel.

Serbia: Who NATO Killed ?

Since the Nato airstrikes began on March 24 more than 2,500 civilians have been killed and more than 7,500 wounded. 
An injured Serb boy, Marko Miladinovic, cries in his hospital bed in Aleksinac (AP Photo/Srdjan Ilic)
An injured Serb boy, Marko Miladinovic, cries in his hospital bed 
in Aleksinac AP Photo/Srdjan Ilic

Nato has owned up to bombing raids and missile attacks that have killed 460 civilians, according to a tally by Agence France-Presse. By all accounts, the bombing was indiscriminate, killing farmers, suburbanites, city dwellers, factory workers, reporters, diplomats, people in cars, busses and trains, hospital patients, the elderly and children. 
Indeed, by our count, Nato bombing raids have killed more than 200 children. Hundreds more will almost certainly perish in the coming months, through environmental factors, such as poisoned water supplies and lack of electrical power to run vital hospital equipment. The following list of civilian casualties is far from comprehensive. We compiled it from daily reports by the Yugoslav Foreign Ministry and wire services, including Agence France Presse, Reuters and AP.

Isidora Sekulić

Ostaće zapisano i to da je Isidora Sekulić prva žena koja je postala akademik, za dopisnog člana Akademije primljena je 1939. godine, a za redovnog 1950 . Isidora Sekulic je Prva Zena Pisac u srpskoj knjizevnosti koja je ostavila delo trajne vrednosti.
Isidora Sekulic
Isidora Sekulić je rođena 18.februara 1877.u Mošorinu, u Bačkoj (u Prosvetinoj "Maloj enciklopediji" i u "Istoriji književnosti" Jovana Deretića kao godina rođena stoji 1887). Djetinjstvo je provela u Rumi i Zemunu.

13 Years after the NATO Aggression on Serbia - Why history reapeats itself?

by Ana Tsivdari 
The 13th anniversary of the NATO aggression on our country. This time, every year, some of us remember...Even if we wish to forget, it is almost impossible, since the history has a particularly annoying way of repeating itself and few people actually learn from the past and the mistakes of others. So, only if one is deaf, mute and blind these days, it is possible not to be reminded of our own sad past, or not to get angry that it is happening over and over again.

CNN - The CIA's News Network? The propaganda group was involved in the Gulf war, the Bosnian war and the crisis in Kosovo

In February 2000, a story that had appeared in the European press was reported by Alexander Cockburn - co-editor of Counterpunch - concerning the employment by CNN of military psychological warfare specialists. Other than Cockburn's piece, and the issuance of an 'Action Alert' by the media-watchdog group FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), the report was ignored by the American press.

        As originally reported by Abe de Vries in the Dutch periodical Trouw, the story went something like this: "For a short time last year, CNN employed military specialists in 'psychological operations' (psyops). This was confirmed to Trouw by a spokesman of the U.S. Army. The military could have influenced CNN's news reports about the crisis in Kosovo." (1)

What happens when the farmers organize?

Sixty farmers from Novi Bečej managed to organize and purchase 1700 acres of land from agricultural holdings BD Agro. This is the first time in the history of our country that the purchase of agricultural land was conducted in such way by the farmers, and in a way, win against some of the most powerful Serbian businessmen.

The battle for 1700 acres of agricultural land lasted 46 days. Vladimir Glavaski, one of the innitiators of this idea, who now ownes  new 120 acres of land, says that they don't feel like winers, but that they are happy that they managed to organize themselves. 

Kosovo: Eight years after the pogrom

Kosovo, the occupied territory  - Eight years ago in a wave of violence in the occupied territories, Albanian extremists killed 19 people and destroyed 34 Orthodox churches.
More than 4,000 Serbs and other non-Albanians were expelled from their homes then. After the pogrom against the Serbs, 270 Albanians were arrested, 143 people were sentenced, mostly with money fees, a total of 67 of them sent to prison.

About 900 houses and 35 Orthodox churches and monasteries were burned, including the medieval relics, such as Virgin Ljeviska in Prizren, dating to the 14th century.

Desperate worker sets himself on fire

Mile Cavic fullfilled his ominous promise (photo:Standard)

Belgrade - Mile Cavic (49), one of the workers of  "Veterinary institution Glutin" who protested over unpaid wages, fulfilled the terrible promise and set himself on fire this Thursday, exactly at 10:30 in front of the government building. The tragedy was avoided due to the fast reaction of his colleagues that took away his remaining gasoline and his jacket that has caught fire. None of them knows the faith of another worker Milos Kovacevic, who also said he would commit suicide, because his cell phone is closed.

- You don't let me set myself on fire, but you can not stop me to throw myself off a bridge - Cavic shouted, trying to escape the grip of three colleagues who were trying to restrain him.
- I can not go back home, I have nothing to go back to. This morning I borrowed some money for the bread, I can no longer live like that.

Chinese to be taught at schools in Serbia

Chinese to be taught at schools in Serbia
Source: B92, Tanjug:
Belgrade - Serbian Ministry of Education signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Chinese Ambassador, according to which the Chinese will be taught in Serbian schools. 

For a start, Chinese will be a foreign language of choice in 30 schools in different cities of Serbia. With the help of 14 teachers from China, more than 2.000 children will start to learn Chinese at primary and secondary schools. 

Ensemble Renaissance - more than 3.000 concerts in 44 years of existence

                                                    Skomraška igra

Belgrade Ensemble Renaissance was born in the fall of 1968. when they first amplified the partitures on historical instruments that Dragan Mladenovic Shakespeare brought from Prague and Vienna. The founders of the Ensemble, Miomir Ristic, Ljubomir Dimitrijevicand Dragan Mladenovic Shakespeare (with the support of two colleagues, DusicaObradovic and Iskra Uzelac) held their first full-length concert on 14th January of 1970. in the Gallery of Frescoes in Belgrade. 

Serbian Orthodox Monasteries in Kosovo among 5 Mediterranean Holy Sites

(ANSAmed) – BELGRADE, MARCH 9 – The Serbian monasteries in Kosovo were listed among the five most important holy sites of the Mediterranean along with Jerusalem, Mt. Athos, Mecca and Vatican.
Pecka Patrijarsija- Patriarchate Monastery
The decision on importance of the Serbian monasteries in Kosovo was rendered at an EU meeting in Brussels attended by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso.
Barroso underlined the need for special protection of the Serbian holy places in Kosovo, adding the monasteries should be a source of inter-cultural dialogue, rather than conflict.
Upon completion of an analysis and an accompanying study, an international declaration will be adopted to proscribe the level of protection of the Serbian holy sites in Kosovo.


At least 8 monasteries have been destroyed during the Kosovo War by  Albanian barbarians.
EnglishSerbian CyrillicFoundedImage
Saint Archangels MonasteryМанастир Свети Арханђели1343
Banjska MonasteryБањска1312Banjska monastery-2010-1.JPG
Binač (Buzovik) MonasteryБинач/Бузовик14th century
Our Lady of LjevišБогородица Љевишка1307
Budisavci MonasteryБудисавци14th century
Devič MonasteryДевич1434
Dobra Voda MonasteryДобра вода14th century
Dolac MonasteryДолац14th century
Draganac MonasteryДраганац1381
Duboki Potok MonasteryДубоки Поток14th century
Globarica MonasteryГлобарица16th century
Gorioč MonasteryГориочearly 14th century
Grabovac MonasteryГрабовац14th century
Gračanica MonasteryГрачаница1310Gračanica.jpg
Kmetovce MonasteryКметовцеearly 14th century
Mušutište MonasteryМушутиште1315
Patriarchate of PećПећка патријаршија>1235Patriarchate of Peć 2010.JPG
Saint Barbara Monastery
Saint Marko KoriškiСвети Марко Коришки1467
Saint Uroš MonasteryСвети Урош>1371
Sokolica MonasteryСоколица14th century
Studenica HvostanskaСтуденица Хвостанскаearly 13th century
Tamnica MonasteryТамница14th century
Ubožac MonasteryУбожацlate 13th century
Visoki Dečani MonasteryВисоки Дечани1327Dečani3.jpg
Vračevo MonasteryВрачево1316
Zočište MonasteryЗочиштеbefore 1327
List of Serbian Orthodox monasteries

Kosovo and Metohija: EULEX has been blocked again near Zvecan

About 100 people gathered this evening in a place Doljani, near Zvecan and with their vehicles blocked the road, to prevent three EULEX vehicles to pass through to the administrative crossing Jarinje in the far north of Kosovo and Metohija..

Обележавање 13 година од NATO агресије на Србију

Независна, нестраначка удружења грађана - Београдски Форум за Свет Равноправних, СУБНОР Србије и Клуб генерала и адмирала Србије организују традиционалне спомен активности поводом 13. годишњице НАТО  Агресије против Србије (СР Југославија).

Агресија је проузроковала преко 3.500 смртних случајева, више од 10.000 рањених, две трећине од којих су цивили, а више од 100 милијарди долара економске штете. Током 78 дана константног бомбардовања НАТО је користио пројектиле са осиромашеним уранијумом изазивајући трајно загађење земљишта, воде и хране и малигне болести и смрти.

Commemoration of 13th anniversary of NATO's aggression against Serbia

Independent, nonparty civic associations – The Belgrade Forum for a World of Equals, The League of Veterans of the People’s Liberation Struggle of Serbia and the Club of Generals and Admirals of Serbia are organizing traditional commemorative activities on the occasion of 13th anniversary of the NATO 1999 aggression against Serbia (FR Yugoslavia). 

The aggression has caused over 3.500 deaths, over 10.000 wounded, two thirds of whom were civilians and over 100 billion US dollars economic damage. During 78 days of constant bombings NATO has used missiles with the depleted uranium causing lasting pollution of the soil, water and food and malignant deceases and deaths.

A call to a civil society. What needs to change, how we should act (Part Two)

George Kontogiorgis

The issue of the " Syntagma 2011for the first time brings the civil society faced with all the (political and others) power holders of the state. The very fact shows that the collective does not define itself anymore in terms of mass, but aspire to be the cumulative product of society. The affirmation of individuality in the collective alters a civilian from the effected obedient citizen in to a free and emancipated entity who is forming the developments. Therefore, it is manifestly a falsehood of the greatest thinkers of modernity to claim that state and political system are identical in nature.

To preserve the conquest of this civil society it is required to:

A call to a civil society. What needs to change, how we should act (Part One)

Most of us are aware that we don't play a significant role in the current political system of our respective states, or to put it this way- that our government doesn't represent our interests and doesn't work for our benefit. Some of  those who are aware of that fact keep hoping that someone would appear and by some miracle solve all their problems. 
If only that election time would come they would show the governing party just what they think of it...

Is Trifunovic family about to lose their five children because they are poor?

The Social Service in Valjevo, Serbia threatens to take five children away from the Trifunovic family for no apparent reason other than them being poor. 

The father has a job, and they receive 8.000 DIN from Social Services but it still isn't enough for the state to let them keep their children. So the children are to be taken away and separated into two foster families that would receive financial help of 170.000 DIN from the state to support them. (!) 
Why didn't the state give that money to help Trifunovic family to support the children in their own home?!

Serbia generously allowed to sit in the backyard of EU without Kosovo?

The decision was made at the meeting of foreign ministers of 27 countries participating in the EU that Serbia will become a candidate for the EU membership. Now the question is whether Serbia joins the ranks with the European Union, and what will happen to Kosovo [Kosovo and Metohija], whose independence was recognized by the majority of the EU members.

A positive decision on granting Serbia the status of a candidate was announced by the French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe. He noted that currently the Balkan country has fulfilled all necessary conditions. 

The final decision will be made in the next few days, when the Heads of State and Government gather in Brussels. However, until now there has not been a case when the decision of foreign ministers was cancelled. This means that the government of Serbia probably has nothing to fear. [1]