
Kosovo : Hashim Thaci "Serbs have religious freedoms"

Serbs have religious freedoms (to pray on ashes) in Kosovo according to Thaci . According to Thaci, Kosovo has built democratic and multiethnic institutions. According to Thaci, the Kosovo Serbs are satisfied with the security situation? [Tanjug]

Serbs have religious freedoms (to pray on ashes) in Kosovo according to Thaci
Serbs have religious freedoms (to pray on ashes) in Kosovo

A call for ethnic cleansing in Kosovo at the gate of a destroyed church
 A call for ethnic cleansing in Kosovo at the gate of a destroyed church
Ruins of the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Djakovica destroyed by ethnic Albanians in July 1999
Ruins of the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Djakovica

Serbian Orthodox Church “Samodreža” near Priština from the 14th c.
transformed into public WC

MUSUTISTE, CHURCH OF THE VIRGIN HODEGETRIA - The endowment of the main accountant John Dragoslav and his family is located above the village of Musutiste, 10 km south-east of Suva Reka. It was built in 1315 which is evidenced by a long and neat stone inscription above the western portal. The Church of the Virgin Hodegitria was destroyed by Kosovo Albanian extremists in summer 1999, despite the deployment of German KFOR troops in the area. In the meantime the pine grow around the church was cut and the enclosure wall was demolished and used as building material for neighboring Kosovo Albanian houses.
Kosovo Serbian Christian Church in Podujevo, destroyed by Albanians
Serbian Christian Church in Podujevo, destroyed by Albanians
Desecrated church in Kosovo, Serbia
Desecrated church in Kosovo, Serbia
The destruction of the Church of the Holy Trinity by the religion of peace in 1999. Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Raska and Prizen Kosovo
The destruction of the Church of the Holy Trinity by the religion of peace in 1999.
Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Raska and Prizen Kosovo
The Church of Holy Archangel Michael in Stimlje
The Church of Holy Archangel Michael in Stimlje [Photo]
The burned upper part of the belfry is visible in the photo. The grotesque
conclusion of the UNMIK police that it was not an attack on the church but only a part of a "childrens game"
14th century Serbian Monastery  


Destroyed churches in the region of Orahovac

The Holy Trinity Monastery near Musutiste (nr. Suva Reka), 14th century, looted and burned and soon after completely demolished by explosive in July 1999.

The Holy Trinity Monastery Before the Destruction
The Holy Trinity Monastery before the Destruction

Demolished church

The view of the church

The ruins of the monastery

 The house for nuns

He house for nuns

 Parts of the 14cent frescoes
A nun befor a destroyed monastery                                                                                                    The Scenes of the Demolished Monastery near Suva Reka, beg. July 1999
(German KFOR Sector)

The Monastery of St. Cosma and Damian in Zociste near Orahovac, built in the 14th century (1327). The old residental buildings have recently been renovated. The monastery was looted in June 1999 when the monks had to leave this shrine. The living quarter were set on fire and the church was vandalized. The church was mined and completely destroyed by the local Albanians on September 13th.
The monastery church before destruction
Zociste Monastery before the destruction

 The view of the destroyed monastery

 Monks' cells

Scenes of destruction
more photos of destruction

The tombs of Fr. Moses and Abbot Damian before they were desecrated

The overturned and desecrated tombs now
The graves of the deceased monks have not been spared
The report on the destruction of the monastery ( attacks by KLA extremists on Zociste Monastery (in 1998)
Destroyed churches in the region of Zociste

The Dormition of Mother of God Church in Musutiste, (Suva Reka) built in 1315, burned and later completely demolished by explosive, July 1999
Holy Virgin Church in Musutiste, 1315
The Church of the Holy Virgin in Musutiste Before the Destruction
A Pearl of the Med
ieval Serb-Byzantine Art in Kosovo and Metohija

The Destroyed Church With a Bell Tower
The Only Remains of the Ancient Church
The Remains of the 14th cent. Church
Only rubble was left
The Church Was Demolished by Professional Miners
The vandalizam in the Parish Center
The Holy Virgin Church, 1315
The Priest's Home Was Torched
The Altar Wall
The Scenes of the Church Demolished by the Albanian Extremists
(beginning of July 1999) (German KFOR Sector)

St. Mark's Monastery in Korisa (nr. Prizren) 1467, vandalized and completely demolished by explosive, (the site is still inaccessible), July 1999

The Monastery Church Before the Destruction                                                  The Monastery Church of St Mark Before Destruction

The Monastery of St. Mark in Korisa
The ruins of St. Mark's Monastery
The ruins of St. Mark's Monastery in Korisa
Destroyed Church of St. Mark
The Monastery and the Church of St Archangels, in Gornje Nerodimlje, were built in the 14th century and renewed in the year 1700. The monastery was set on fire looted, and seriously damaged by explosive. The old cemetery is desecrated.

 The churchyard

 The destroyed church

 The site of destruction

 Destroed church Destroyed church

Havoc remained after the attack of Albanian extremists

SS Apostles Peter and Paul parish church in Suva Reka, built in 1938, vandalized and later completely demolished by explosive, in July 1999 after the deployment of KFOR
The church before destruction
The church before destruction

 SS Apostles Church in Suva Reka

 The work of the professional miners

 The ruins of the Orthodox church in Suva Reka
The church after destruction
The Holy Trinity Cathedral in Djakovica, 1998, vandalized, set on fire. Precious mosaics are smashed into peaces. The Cathedral was completely destroyed by explosive on July 24, 1999.
The Cathedral before complete destruction
 The Church before destruction
The Cathedral was built on the site of the previous Orthodox Cathedral destroyed
by the Albanian led communist authorities after the WW2

The Cathedral in Ruins
The Smashed Mosaic of the Holy Trinity
The action of professional miners
Only rubble has remained
The Barbarism in Presence of NATO
UCK Grafitti on the Walls

The Fire Was Burned Inside the Church
Djakovica Cathedral in Ruins July 24

After the destruction of the Cathedral the Albanian population of Djakovica organized a celebration which lasted all night

The Holy Trinity church in Petric, built in 1993, vandalized and later severely damaged by explosive, end of June 1999. By the end of August 1999 the church was totally destroyed. 

Holy Trinity Church in Petric
The Church in Ruins
The Explosive Pulled Out the Walls

One of the Side Walls
Trying to pull out a stole
The Front Facade of the Church
The Interior of the Church

The church in Aug 1999
The ruins of the church of the Holy Trinity
The church is finally destroyed at the end of August 99

 The interior of the church before destruction

St. Nicolas church in Slovinje village (nr. Lipljan), built in 16th century, set on fire and later completely demolished by explosive, July 1999.
The interior of the chruch before destruction
The Church of  St. Nicholas before destruction
Slovinje Serbian Orthodox Church
The Church Was Mined in a Professional Way
The last remains of St. Nicolas Church
An antimension found in the rubble
The church of St. Nicholas in Slovinje before and after destruction
Dolac church
Dolac Monastery church before destruction

The Presentation of the Virgin church in Dolac (nr. Klina), built in 1620, vandalized and set on fire, the altar table is smashed into peaces, July 1999. At the end of August 1999 the church was completely demolished.
The Vandalized  and  Burned Interior
Dolac church is completely destroyed at the end of Aug 99
Dolac Church - Outside View
The Altar Table Is Smashed Into Peaces
The Church After Final Destruction
Dolac church in ruins
The famous Devic Monastery of St. Joanikije, f. c.1440, looted and vandalized, the marble tomb of the saint is desecrated, June 1999

 St. Joanikije's Tomb Desecrated

 The Traces of Albanian Vandalism in Devic

The church of St. Nicholas Rajkov, erected in 14th century, reconstructed in 1857. This school chapel was mined on September 3rd and was severly damaged.

The church of St. Nicholas 14 cent.
Severe damage inside the church
The part added in 19th cent was alsmost totally destroyed
The result of the vandalous attack


My ugly image
With monstrous features
That you multiply morning and evening
it`s the image
of your conscience and subconscience
That`s not me on the outside
That`s you – on the inside!
We are very important,
I and my sisters
Truth and Justice
for such mighty forces have rallied against us
and Wrong and Injustice are sneering at us.
Fiends well-fed and deranged,
you`ve banned all in my own home,
but no one can stop me
from singing and laughing as I am dying!
For you no longer laugh or sing
neither on weddings
nor when a child is born!

Dobrica Eric "Prkosna Pesma"

THIS is how the Kosovar Albanians  treat the Serbian patrimony in Kosovo… any questions?
A ransacked Serb church (FoNet, archive)
Kosovo - Prizren / Prizreni: St. Saviour / St. Spas Serbian Orthodox Church protected by the Wehrmacht's barbed wire - photo by J.Kaman
this image is part of
Serbian Christian Church in Podujevo, destroyed by Albanians
Serbian Orthodox Church “Samodreža” near Priština from the 14th c. transformed into public WC
*20 principal misconceptions about the Kosovo issue

Desecrated church in Kosovo, Serbia
Heritage Group Tries to Weaken Serbian Culture; Wanted to Call Monasteries “Kosovo Monuments”
U trodnevnom nasilju uništeno 35 crkava i manastira

Ruins of the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in Djakovica
destroyed by ethnic Albanians in July 1999
The Systematic Destruction of Orthodox Christian Churches and Cemeteries in Kosovo-Metohija and Macedonia

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