
The Future of the Republic of Srpska

Republic of Srpska (Republika Srpska, Serbian Republic) is practically independent, it has it's own constitution, legislation, judiciary, Parliament, Ministers, Prime Minister, President, and on top of that no one from Republic of Srpska wants to live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, nor considers Bosnia his state. 

Republic of Srpska, Capital Banja Luka

American bombs were the ones which pushed three sides (Muslims, Croats and Serbs) into one cattle pen as a temporary solution after the war.

Bosnia and Herzegovina today consists of Republic of Srpska and Federation of BiH

The Bosnian Serbs have every right to self-determination, as this right was given to all other nations. If this principle had been consistently respected by the West in 1991, the war would not have happened. However, they gave this right to everyone except Serbs.

Ethnic map of Bosnia and Herzegovina (green: Bosniaks, red: Serbs, blue: Croats)
 The reality is that the secession of the RS will happen, it's just a matter of time (waiting for the proper diplomatic moment). Such demarcation will be good for the future generations of all three sides because the current complicated post-war system in Bosnia and Herzegovina can be the root of the future conflict if left unchanged. 

Bosnia and Herzegovina 

Town of Trebinje, Republic of Srpska
Republic of Srpska and Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Bosnia and Herzegovina of today

Capital of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luka

Old Photo of Banja Luka

Stričići village, Banja Luka

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