
The Rape of #Serbia [part 2]

The Rape of Serbia (Part 2)

The War is About The Mines Of Kosovo

„Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter to sweet, and sweet for bitter!“
- Isaiah 5:20.
Wars are at root about economics, and the Kosovo war was no different.
So, why have had hundreds of millions of dollars in high-tech weapons suddenly become available to the, according to State Department – terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army? By way, of the USA and Germany!
At the beginning, the biggest winners of all in this war were Boeing, Northrop-Grumman and Raytheon. And, of course, their happy shareholders.
A Pentagon source has told me that US used 63% of munitions inventory to destroy Serbia. Shortly, U.S. Congress rushed through a $13 billion military spending package after the first two weeks of bombing. Such a bill would not have been possible without this bombing campaign. After that, US Congress requested an additional $120 billion for the next five years, and over $250 billion through the year 2010. What a bonanza for the munitions makers !
„Rambouillet peace conference“ and „Rambouillet Accords“ were nothing else but organized theft of Serbian resources by Western corporations. Even the Serbophobic New York Times admitted in 1998 article: “Below Kosovo, a war’s glittering prize awaits the conqueror“. However, that same media rarely mentioned the 17 trillion dollars in mineral assets of Serbia.
Serbia’s mineral resources are the richest in all Europe – west of Russia.
Kosovo is often portrayed in the media as an isolated mountainous region, poor and without resources. It might seem, from theese accounts, to be an area of interest only to those who live there. continue -- > 

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