
Деца су иста свугде у свету. Или можда нису?

Емпатија је.. веза између биљкиног корена и лишћа

   У омањем месту Њутаун, у држави Конектикет у Сједињеним Америчким Државама, данас се обележава недељу дана од догађаја који се прочуо по целом свету и о којем сви светски медији непрестано и са пуно уважавања према жртвама и њиховим породицама, извештавају. 

   Пуцњава у тамошњој школи је, као што вероватно знате, имала трагичан епилог од 26 жртава, од којих је 20 било деца. Сигурно већ знате понешто о тим жртвама, на телевизији се сваки дан врте прилози у којима се може чути све од њихових омиљених играчака и спорта, преко изјава родитеља и комшија па до најновије дебате коју је отворио Председник Обомба о томе шта треба урадити да се тако нешто поново не догоди.

Thierry Meyssan: "Syrian terrorists were trained by the KLA in Kosovo"

Thierry Meyssan
French intellectual, founder and chairman of Voltaire Network and the Axis for Peace Conference. Professor of International Relations at the Centre for Strategic Studies in Damascus. 
His columns specializing in international relations feature in daily newspapers and weekly magazines in Arabic, Spanish and Russian. 
His last two books published in English : 9/11 the Big Lie and Pentagate.
Thierry Meyssan: "Syrian terrorists were trained by the KLA in Kosovo"
Thierry Meyssan: "Syrian terrorists were trained by the KLA in Kosovo"

Thierry Meyssan: "Syrian terrorists were trained by the KLA in Kosovo"
Full article on

Geopolitika: What do you think of the situation in Serbia and difficult path traveled by Serbia in the past two decades?

Thierry Meyssan: Serbia has been exhausted by the series of wars which it has had to face, particularly the conquest of Kosovo by NATO. It is indeed a war of conquest since it concludes by the amputation of the country and the recognition by NATO of the unilateral independence of Camp Bondsteel, that is to say of a NATO base.

Hague acquits two Croatian generals, Gotovina and Markac - ICC instrument of political propaganda operating in the service of its paymasters

Why the UN war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia acquitted Gotovina and Markac in spite of the iron-clad evidence against them.
by Andy Wilcoxson
ICC justice : Caricature :bu Disan Petricic , Politika 

On November 16th the appeals chamber of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague acquitted and ordered the immediate release of Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markac.

Markac was the Assistant Minister of the Interior and Operation Commander of the Special Police in Croatia. Gotovina was a Colonel General of the Croatian Army. In 1995, he was commander of a military offensive known as "Operation Storm".

The military operation, which took place during August of 1995, lasted 84 hours and was the largest European land offensive since World War II and resulted in the largest single movement of refugees in Europe since the USSR crushed the Hungarian uprising in 1956. According to the UNHCR, 200,000 Serbs were displaced from the Krajina region of Croatia and hundreds of civilians were killed during the operation.

Planina Avala : srednjovekovni utvrđeni grad Žrnov, zvan i Žrnovan, branik Beograda

Zašto je kralj Aleksandar I Karađorđević tako lako žrtvovao Žrnov ?

Zašto su kralju smetali ostaci grada koji Evlija Čelebija pominje kao jedno od šest najznačajnijih utvrđenja u Srbiji, a arheolozi tvrde da su se ljudi na ovom lokalitetu bavili rudarstvom još pre 4.000 godina? 
Drugi narodi poštuju svoju istoriju i srednjovekovne gradove cuvaju kao velike svetinje.
Odgovora nema i ta misterija nikad nije razjašnjena. 


Žrnov ili Žrnovan je bio srednjovjekovna tvrđava smeštena na najvišem vrhu Avale (511m nmv.).
Prisustvo Kelta na Avali je dokazano, pretpostavlja se da je na vrhu postojalo utvrđenje na čijim su osnovama kasnije Rimljani podigli osmatračnicu.
Bio je to, zapravo, višenamenski punkt. Za kontrolu puta, kontrolu prilaza Singidunumu i zaštitu rudnika koji su se nalazili na obroncima planine.
Kasnije su Srbi tu sazidali tvrđavu, koju su potom Osmanlije proširile i ojačale za potrebe napada na Beograd.

Nema dokaza da li je grad živeo u doba Vizantije, ali je gotovo sigurno da je prvo pravo utvrđenje podignuto u vreme despota Stefana Lazarevića.

Teško je u bilo čemu biti izričit, jer, nažalost, Avala nije dovoljno istražena.Čuveni putopisac Feliks Kanic zabeležio je da je na vrhu planine bila rimska osmatračnica na čijim su temeljima srpski carevi podigli Žrnov. Kad i koji vladari, nigde nije zapisano.

Najčešća verzija kako je grad dobio ime jeste po žrvnju, ali ne običnom, već za meljavu rude iz rudnika koji su postojali u podnožju.
 Avala je pre turskog imena nosila naziv Žrnov.

 Pogled na dobro očuvani stari grad
 U gradu je prema legendi stolovao, u pjesmama opevani, Porča od Avale.

Srpske epske narodne pesme: Porča od Avale i Zmajognjeni Vuk - gusle

Porča od Avale Zmajognjeni Vuk

Vino piju do dva pobratima
U Avali više Bijograda:
Jedno bješe Porča od Avale,
A drugo je Đerzelez Alija;

Srebrenica and the historical context of the Yugoslav civil war

Serbs, according to the average google user

Couple of days ago those of us who follow the situation in Libya closely, were anxiously watching 108morris108 you tube chanel, an anti-imperialistic chanel that usually shows an alternative narrative about Libyan, Syrian and other ongoing conflicts through short interviews with people there. As you may or may not know, Bani Walid, a hometown of the Libya's biggest tribe Warfalla, is under siege by the neocolonial puppet "government" forces, but mostly by the enraged Misrata militias. Morris was inteviewing a young Libyan doctor who was appealing for help and siezefire and pointing out the shortages in Bani Walid's only hospital, the number of wounded and dead. At some point, the doctor warned that if this situation was to continue "Misrata will do Srebrenica to Bani Walid". This was probably said to in order to inspire some reaction in the people from the West who's only knowledge of Srebrenica was what they were informed by the mass media during the Yugoslav civil war, hence linking the word "genocide" with Srebrenica.

Czech activists accused Madeleine Albright for the bloodshed (VIDEO)

Madeleine Albright/ Maria Jana Korbel as a child in Belgrade, 1938 /Source
Prague, Czech Republic - During the promotion of a book by former U.S. secretary of State, Madeleine Albright at The new Luxor Palace of Books, there was a general turmoil when the activists of the "Friends of the Serbs in Kosovo" organization asked her to sign the posters and CDs with the photos of atrocities committed over Serbs.

Mila Aleckovic-Nikolic: Libya and the French "Botulism"

Mila Aleckovic

Great article by Mila Aleckovic-Nikolic, written last year, during the military aggression on Libya. I can not translate the whole article, since Mila is a master of using Serbian language in such a way that any translation I could accomplish wouldn't do it justice. Here is just an excerpt so you who don't understand Serbian, can get a taste of true Serbian resistance that this woman embodies.

"Philosopher Jean-Baptiste Botul who "wrote" the book "The Sexual Life of Emmanuel Kant" never existed, and that name, as the book itself are entirely fictitious. Invented by a group of French authors who wanted to show what the clinical picture of an ambitious megalomaniac hysteric, who continually confabulates, invents and falsifies, looks like. And they succeeded.

Batajnica 2012: We do not want NATO killers on Serbian sky

Delighted citizens posing next to the banner "NATO FUCK OFF"

In the campaign, "We do not want NATO killers on Serbian sky" activist of organizations Serbian National Movement OURS, KANON and Serbian Step, as well as a number of citizens present, booed the delegations of U.S. and NATO in front of the F16 aircraft at the air show "Batajnica 2012" in Belgrade, according to statement that arrived at the address of our editorial board.

Serbian returnees in KiM once again a target of attack

Unidentified persons shot tonight in the direction of Serb returnees' houses in the village of Zac near Istok, at a time Kosovo police patrol was there, said to RTS one of the returnees Veljko Komatović. KFOR troops have arrived in the village.

One of the returnees in the village of Zac, near Istok, Veljko Komatović told RTS that unknown persons shot tonight in the direction of Serb returnees' houses in the village, at a time when the patrol of Kosovo police was visiting the returnees.

Komatović said that prior to the shooting there was an attack by a group of people with stones at the house of  Drljević family. The attack was reported to the police, which sent a patrol to perform the investigation on site.

Kosovo : Hashim Thaci "Serbs have religious freedoms"

Serbs have religious freedoms (to pray on ashes) in Kosovo according to Thaci . According to Thaci, Kosovo has built democratic and multiethnic institutions. According to Thaci, the Kosovo Serbs are satisfied with the security situation? [Tanjug]

Serbs have religious freedoms (to pray on ashes) in Kosovo according to Thaci
Serbs have religious freedoms (to pray on ashes) in Kosovo

A call for ethnic cleansing in Kosovo at the gate of a destroyed church
 A call for ethnic cleansing in Kosovo at the gate of a destroyed church

The Weight of Chains: US/NATO Destruction of Yugoslavia

Yesterday Yugoslavia, today Libya, tomorrow Syria .. next tomorrow?
... maybe YOUR homeland, YOUR town, YOUR family !
We are calling the  citizen of the World -  watch and learn ...

The Weight of Chains | Težina lanaca OFFICIAL SITE :

The Weight of Chains: US/NATO Destruction of Yugoslavia
by grtv

Jadovno: The First Death Camp of WWII

John Bosnitch at Jadovno camp in Croatia

By John Bosnitch

On June 24, I was in Western Croatia, with a police escort to protect us from the local Croats. We visited the first death camp of WWII, called Jadovno. This is a photo of some of the more than a hundred pilgrims who climbed the mountain to the execution site.

Yes, I was having a serious moment.

We were praying at the mouth of the deep 100 meter+ pit into which tens of thousands of Serbs, Jews and Gypsies were thrown alive by Croat Catholic fanatical Nazis (called Ustasha) in World War II in independent Croatia.

Exposing the myth about "multi-ethnic Kosovo"

The cover of "Living Marxism" from 1992

Watch John Bosnitch and Kristian Kahrs (Norwegian journalist who used to serve with KFOR) exposing the myth about the "multi-ethnic Kosovo (oh, and lets not forget the * part) with international observers concerned with human rights and law"( read EULEX). 

War in Yugoslavia: The Croatian invasion of Serbian Krajina

Ethnic Cleansing is a process in which advancing army of one ethnic group expels civilians of other ethnic groups from towns and villages it conquers in order to create ethnically pure enclaves for members of their ethnic group. 
Ethnic Cleansing of Serbs in Croatia  - Oluja 

The Invasion of Serbian Krajina
by Greg Elich
[Mr. Elich is a freelance scholar who has written extensively about Yugoslavia.]

In early August 1995, the Croatian invasion of Serbian Krajina precipitated the worst refugee crisis of the Yugoslav civil war. Within days, more than two hundred thousand  [200 000] Serbs, virtually the entire population of Krajina, fled their homes, and 14,000 Serbian civilians lost their lives.[this is Greg Elich's estimation, we can not confirm or refute this claim] According to a UN official "Almost the only people remaining were the dead and the dying." The Clinton administration's support for the invasion was an important factor in creating this nightmare.

US Mercenaries were behind Croatian offensive in Yugoslav Civil War

Serbian immigrants seek answers about the horror Class-action suit
By Ron Grossman

Global Research,
Chicago Tribune

Zivka Mijic, 46, talks about her family's narrow escape from Croatia in the Balkan War. She and her family now live in Stickney. (Zbigniew Bzdak, Chicago Tribune / September 5, 2010)

Zivka Mijic doesn't burden people with her troubles — which would be impractical anyway, unless the other person spoke Serbian — but she does want the tragic story of what brought her family to a Chicago suburb told in federal court.

NATO cluster bomb killed two more Serbian soldiers

The illegal NATO attack on Serbia in 1999 claimed two more lives this Wendesday...

The explosion occurred on the mountain Kopaonik, near Serbia's most wellknown ski center, about 250 km south of Belgrade, reported Radio Television Serbia (RTS).

The two soldiers were removing the remnants of cluster bombs dropped by NATO forces during the air campaign against Serbia and Montenegro in 1999.

A view of the peak where the accident took place (Tanjug)

AKCIJA: Reci NE Privatnim Izvršiteljima!

Ove godine država je omogućila prodaju dugovanja građana privatnim agencijama. Pored prava da javna preduzeća aganžuju privatne agencije, te agencije su dobile ovlašćenja koja do sada nisu u praksi bila poznata. 

Naime pored toga što će sami vršiti procenu vrednosti imaće i izvršnu vlast i to sve uz pratnju policije. Na ovaj način država je u nezavidan položaj dovela već ionako ugrožene kategorije - NEZAPOSLENE, kojima će se zbog nemogućnosti drugačije naplate vršiti popis stvari i nekretnina i prodavati uz bescenje tj. početna cena biće 60% stvarne vrednosti a da pritom neće dozvoliti da dužnik eventualno sam proda svoju imovinu.

Kosovo and Metohija: Serbian couple found murdered in their home!

Uroševac - On Friday around 10 o' clock PM in Talinovac village, near Urosevac Milovan Jevtic and his wife, Ljiljana were found dead. 

The spouses were about 55 years old, Milovan was a village representative, it was announced by the Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija.

Coordinator of Urosevac Municipality, Milan Janjic told Beta agency that it is not yet known how  the returnees  Milovan and Ljiljana Jevtic died.

The story of the escaped French DRM agent, Srebrenica & Iranian past mistakes

A surprising article about Srebrenica was published on It is not surprising in regards to its content, but the very fact that it was published on Iranian news portal since those of us who dug into Srebrenica case knew or guessed much of what is written in it, but we are also aware of the fact that at the time Iran and NATO were on the same page, because Iran was arming the mujahedins in Bosnia and Bill Clinton and other American officials with the help of some international organizations facilitated it.
How Bill Clinton gave the green light for arms smuggling from Iran to Bosnia

Kosovo: Humanitarian caravan "Bike Rock Mission 2012"

Humanitarian caravan "Bike Rock Mission 2012"
Humanitarian caravan "Bike Rock Mission 2012" consisted of couple of thousands of riders arrived about 7 o'clock PM on 30th of June in the Northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, where a charity rock concert was held.

Wesley Clark always had good contacts with the Kosovo “government”

Wesley Clark always had good contacts with the Kosovo “government” and its “prime minister” – the former militant Hashim Thaci. There is even a street in Pristina named after Wesley Clark.

“It is clear that during their ‘cooperation’ that started in 1998, they concluded business agreements. Now it is absolutely clear that the bombings of Kosovo pursued both political and economic objectives: they were aimed not only at separating Kosovo from Serbia, but also at depriving Kosovo of its extensive natural resources…”

“Kosovo created a precedent. It was the first link in the strategy of the ‘humanitarian’ interventions of the NATO countries led by the USA…To be more exact, the possibility of interference in other regions of the world under this or that pretext became possible.”

Coal mining is very good but oil still has a good price. So everything continued, following the former format: Iraq, Somalia, and Libya.

Bloody Thursday in Kosovo- Albanian mob and police savagely attacked Serbian children and youth…


On one of the holiest Serbian national and religious, orthodox Christian holidays, which marks anniversary of 28 June 1389 “Battle of Kosovo”, scores of young Serbian children and youth, attending this event, were injured in attacks by Albanian mob and police, using firearms, Molotov cocktails, stones and other weapons.
All Serbs had to pass very rigorous controls at Albanian police check points. The Albanian Police was supervised by the occupying NATO (KFOR) force and Eulex police. It was made sure that the Serbs were unarmed!
After violence broke out, one Serbian child and another young man are in critical condition. Seven others are in serious condition and hospitalized in medical Clinics in Gracanica, Prokuplje and Nis. 

Kosovo: Serbs were attacked by Albanian police [dozens wounded]

More than 50 Serbian civilians  were injured in clashes on Thursday when the so called authorities in Kosovo deported a group of visiting Serbian civilians, leaving one with life-threatening gunshot wounds.

The group of about 70 Serbs was travelling in two buses to Gazimestan, a religious and historic Serbian site close to the Pristina, when the brutal police turned them back.

Žitije (život) Svetog Save Srpskog Arhiepiskopa i prosvetitelja

Sveti Sava [Saint Sava] Arhiepiskop i prosvetitelj srpski

S V E T I  S A V A

Iznad istorije ratova i država koju stvaraju moćne vojskovođe, u kojoj se pokazuju do mita neustrašivi junaci, stoji istorija ljudske borbe da se čovek, ljudi i narodi što više uzdignu, to jest, istorija ljudskog mira i pregnuća. To je istorija ljudske civilizacije, ta čudesna brojanica kultura naroda. Tu istoriju stvaraju oni koji su umom i duhom najmoćniji. Među njima se, opet, izdvajaju junaci vekova i naroda.

U ukupnoj istoriji srpske kulture posebno se izdvajaju dve ličnosti, dva velika stožera — Sava Nemanjić i Vuk Karadžić. Sava Nemanjić je utemeljitelj duhovne istorije Srba, a Vuk Karadžić obnovitelj.

Serbs and Albanians on Kosovo: The truth is out there somewhere

In Serbian language Istina je negde tamo
Author: Mićo Babić:
Dragoljub Simic (left) with Fazlija Uko (right). Serb and Albanian.
Dragoljub Simic (left) with Fazlija Uko (right). Serb and Albanian.  

Do you notice how different these two beings are? 

Here's some help: in the picture is Dragoljub Simic (left) with Fazlija Uko (right). Serb and Albanian.

You still see no difference? 

You don't see it because there is none. Both of them are people, before anything else. The difference you were supposed to notice when someone mentions the Serbs and Albanians came from the outside, it is not domestic. 

"I wish we were not separated. Why should we separate, Dragoljub and I, when we grew up together? Now neither side is well. 
There were times where you were able to go anywhere you wanted, to stay the night where you want and not be afraid that something will happen to you. Now we are all afraid of everything, " ends his monologue Fazlija.

Two Serbs wounded in northern Kosovo

Two Serbs wounded in northern Kosovo
A KFOR member is seen at Jagnjenica (Tanjug)

ZUBIN POTOK - Two people wounded by rubber bullets in the northern Kosovo village of Stuoce were taken to a health care center in Zubin Potok, treated and released, doctor Aleksandra Stoimenov told Tanjug.

They had been among the Serbs who gathered in Stuoce, on the regional road between Kosovska Mitrovica and Ribarice, after KFOR blocked roads leading to Zubin Potok early on Saturday. "Two people were brought to our facility. Both sustained minor injuries from rubber bullets," Stoimenov told Tanjug.

One was shot in the forearm and the other in the thigh, she added.

WARNING! Very Graphic Content: The Real Srebrenica Genocide

Since this post appears to have recieved a lot of attention these last couple of days and not all visitors look at the comment section bellow, the administration of this blog wishes to make it absolutely clear that the following article does not reflect Serbia SOS opinion on the isssues mentioned in it, such as the Jewish-Palestinian conflict or Muslims in general. So let me rephrase what I already answered to one of the comments bellow: We reposted this  from American Defence League because those pictures of Serbian victims are important documents from that war and here at Serbia SOS we try to gather as much of documents regarding our people and that horible war, as we can. We are not against Islam or any other religion and we believe that there are moderate Muslims, just like there are moderate Christians, Jews etc. Just like that, there are extremists on all sides, misinterpreting religion for their selfish or missguided purposes. One could easily look at photographs of what the French colonialists did to Algerians back in 1945 and see photos very similar to those you will see in this post. Can we therefore label all Christians genocidal or extremists? What we see here, in these photographs were acts of extremists and they don't burden the entirety of Muslim people, just like the acts of violence committed by Serbian extremists in that war do not represent all the Serbs. Crimes were committed on all sides, but what we are trying to do here is to balance the media falsification of that war which painted only the Serbs and all of Serbs as Nazis and criminals, by showing our victims too and talking about the historical and political context of this violent dismemberment of Yugoslavia. No one wins in this kind of conflict even if one side seams to be the favored one in the media, because we are all connected and if we harm one person it will bounce back on us. 
The Real Srebrenica Genocide
What is this monument inscribed in Arabic script doing in Srebrenica
(Potocari village), Bosnia?
Introduction by Nathan Pearlstein
Why are the mainstream Western media, the US administrations under George W. Bush and Bill Clinton as well as the governments of NATO and the EU covering up this monumental crime against humanity?
Why are the Serbs – whom apart from the Jews were the major victims of the Holocaust during World War 2 - being cast as the perpetrators of genocide while the real perpetrators of genocide – the Islamofascists loyal to Alija Izetbegovic – are being cast by the corporate media, the US, NATO and EU governments as “the victims”?

SCANDAL: Former Mujahedeen Commander Naser Oric Released After Killing 3500 Christian Serbs in Srebrenica!

After serving only six months of his two year sentence for brutally butchering three thousand five hundred Christian Serbs in villages in Srebrenica from 1992 to 1995 the President of Bosnia, Bakir Izetbegovic (son of Alija Izetbegovic) today gave amnesty to the Commander of the Mujahedeen terrorists Naser Oric whose brutality against the Serbs is legend in the Balkans
The Hague sentenced this rogue to two years in prison and now he has gotten a pardon.  
Two years for killing three thousand five hundred Christian Serbs and now he’s only served six months of this sentence!  

Greece, Serbia Defy New World Order

It became clear when the dust settled after the recent elections in Greece and in Serbia that two epicenters of resistance to aggressive globalism continue to exist in Europe. 

Narodne melodije s Kosova i Metohije, MIODRAG A. VASILJEVIĆ

Vasiljeviću je bilo jasno da je na Kosovu i Metohiji u toku ne samo izgon Srba i Crnogoraca, vec i temeljno uništavanje svedočanstava srpske duhovnosti, tragova srpskog življenja.
Po prirodnoj logici stvari, kada bi makoji narod u Evropi ili u bilo kojem delu sveta imao u svojoj kulturnoj istoriji jednog Miodraga A. Vasiljevića davno bi štampao i preštampao njegova sabrana dela. 
Svakojako, ne bi dopustio da u fono-arhivu Fakulteta muzičke umetnosti u Beogradu čame neobjavljeni Vasiljavićevi rukopisi i tonalni zapisi (Centralna i Zapadna Srbija na primer!), notni zapisi i beleške sa različitih terena i putovanja, mnoštvo snimljenih magnetofonskih traka. Rukopisna i zvučna ostavština etnomuzikografa Miodraga A. Vasiljevića do danas nije arhivski obrađena, nije sređena niti sistematizovana. 
Neka na me ja na cast!
Ako jednom narodu nije stalo do vlastitog identiteta, do lične prepoznatljivosti, ako je narod olako spreman da žrtvuje nacionalno muzičko biće — njemu nema nacionalnog opstanka. On ga, štaviše, i ne zaslužuje!
Prof. dr Nenad Ljubinković 
Moderna srpska etnomuzikologija nesporno započinje Miodragom A. Vasiljevićem.
 Miodrag A. Vasiljević
Povodom knjige Miodraga A. Vasiljevića
Narodne melodije s Kosova i Metohije

Serbian Music: Kosovo i Metohija [A Thick Fog Has Fallen]

Music is a part of the Serbian cultures in Kosovo.
One of many great songs is A Thick Fog Has Fallen  [Gusta mi magla padnala]

Gusta mi magla padnala, mori,
Gusta mi magla padnala.
Na toj mi ramno Kosovo, mori,
Na toj mi ramno Kosovo.

Serbian Music: Kosovo i Metohija [Marijo bela kumrijo]

Marijo, bela kumrijo
♫ Jordan Nikolić

"Marijo, deli bela kumrijo, mori,
što ti je, Maro, krotko, mori, 'odenje,
što ti je, Maro, ti'o, mori, zborenje?

:: Kosovo Serbs clash with NATO forces over roadblocks, 6 injured (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

[Flash twitter]
 - Slavkovic Bojan managed to save his 4 & 6 y/o children by hiding them behind one wall,when #KFOR started shooting at their house #Kosovo

 - KFOR/NATO was shooting at unarmed Serbian civilian protesters today and wounded some & also dismantled Serb barricades
 - The only thing keeping #Kosovo alive & existent is the expensive NATO/US/German occupation and Albanian #drug & organ trafficking money
- #KFOR soldier aiming his riffle at a journalist from "Kurir" press today in #Kosovo after shooting Serb civilians  [ Photo Source] 
KFOR soldier aiming his riffle at a journalist 
from "Kurir" press today in #Kosovo 
after shooting Serb civilians 

 - President of #Kosovo Mitrovica Pantic:"Untill that is changed,we'll continue to set up barricades and protest"
 - "Communication with central #Serbia is broken,citizens cant go further than Zvecan,we totally blocked"
- 3 Serbs arrested today by #KFOR in #Kosovo were beaten by KFOR & handed over to @EULEXKosovo ,which placed them in KPS,they RELEASED them now
- Released Srdjan Filimonovic says German #KFOR paper-sprayed & beaten & kicked him& passed him over 2 US KFOR. Only Portugese KFOR acted ok #Kosovo
Photo of one of the Serbs wounded today by ‪NATO‬ 
in ‪Kosovo‬
In #Kosovo protesters are "armed" and in #Syria protesters are "unarmed", according to #NATO media spin.. 
what a lying scum[@NewsBalkan]

Report RT Kosovo Serbs clash with NATO forces over roadblocks, 6 injured (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
‘West using Belgrade power vacuum to establish new reality’
Fresh clashes between Serb protesters and peacekeepers were somewhat expected to come amid the current “power vacuum” in Belgrade, political analyst Alexandar Pavic told RT.
RT: The barricades were set up last year, after Kosovan and EU authorities tried to enforce a trade embargo. Is anything being done to resolve this dispute?
AP: Unfortunately, what is being done is more of the same from last year. The NATO forces which are being called peacekeepers are actually trying to use force to force the Kosovo Serbs to accept living in an independent Kosovo, which they won’t accept. And that is the whole root of the problem. Negotiations really are only directed towards that end as far as the Western powers, the EU, the US, are concerned.
But I do want to say that this was something at the beginning of June which was to be expected because there is sort of a power vacuum in Belgrade right now. We’ve just had parliamentary and presidential elections. The new president has only taken office yesterday. But we don’t have a functioning government. We only have a technical government. 
So actually what NATO and the EU and the US are doing, they are using the power vacuum in Belgrade to try to establish a new reality on the ground in Kosovo.
The NATO-led contingent had fired rubber bullets or live rounds
and tear gas against inocent protesters on Kosovo
At least four Serbs and two NATO soldiers were injured in a gunfight in Northern Kosovo as NATO Kosovo Force attempted to dismantle Serb roadblocks.
Reports said soldiers from the NATO-led contingent had fired rubber bullets or live rounds and tear gas after rioters threw stones at a roadblock near the town of Zvecan in a Serb-dominated northern area of Kosovo.
Oliver Ivanovic, the official dealing with Kosovo in Serbia's outgoing government, said four Serbs had been injured.
KFOR said two soldiers were wounded in the incident and one of them had been evacuated in stable condition.  
“KFOR will not allow the situation to escalate and will use a proportional level of force necessary to maintain a safe and secure environment,” said NATO spokesperson in Kosovo Uwe Nowitzki, as quoted by Reuters. He said that the operation to remove the roadblocks continued. 
Several hundred Serbs have reportedly gathered in the village of Rudare to protect barricades, and fighting began when KFOR troops in armored personnel carriers moved in.
A Reuters witness said KFOR troops from Germany and the US received reinforcements after initial clashes and were deployed on hills overlooking Rudare. Several NATO helicopters were also flying over the area.
Dragisa Milovic, the mayor of Zvecan, said KFOR had refused to allow Serb medical personnel to help wounded Serbs.
"A [KFOR] commander told me they have the authority to use deadly force on anyone who throws a stone or uses a weapon," he told Reuters.
Health authorities in the Serb-controlled north of the city of Mitrovica said a number of people also received minor injuries.
Serbians began setting up road blocks in the area last year to prevent the ethnic Albanian government in Kosovo's capital from extending control over the Serb-dominated region.
KFOR said it had started removing roadblocks to "improve freedom of movement" for both its troops and the citizens.
This is not the first incident between Serbs and KFOR soldiers. 
At least two Kosovan Serbs and two NATO peacekeepers were injured in a wave of violence in northern Kosovo in November 2011, casting doubts on whether the conflict could be resolved in the near future.
At least 10 people were injured earlier in September, 2011 in clashes at the Jarinje checkpoint in northern Kosovo.
Photo of another wounded Serb civilian, 
shot in the legtoday in ‪#Kosovo‬ by ‪#NATO‬

In #Kosovo protesters are "armed" and in #Syria protesters are "unarmed", according to #NATO media spin.. what a lying scum[@NewsBalkan]

 moving away from Rudare bridge towards Zvečan  after destroying all barricades & shooting some Serbs [photo]


Herr Harald Kampffmeyer:
I would do the same again
[article from 2009]
My family thinks I am - nuts! Thus, on the niversary of the beginning of  "merciful" bombing of Serbia, speaks the man who, before this criminal act of 19 most powerful countries in the world, has never even set foot in the Balkans and then, with the power of his own conscience - has become a part of Serbian history, of which, unfortunately, a little is known in Serbia. 

NATO killed 10 civilians, 17 severely injured [+18]

As The Washington Post admitted in a series of articles Sep. 19-21, 1999, NATO  and US generals purposely ordered civilian targets bombed in an attempt to demoralize the civilian population.

Names of civilinas (Serbs) killed on Varvarin bridge during NATO aggression  )

col·lat·er·al (ke-làt¹er-el) adjective
Abbr. collat., coll.
1. Situated or running side by side; parallel.
2. Of a secondary nature; subordinate: collateral target damage from a bombing run.
A question: If Civilians death was secondary, what was the primary target?

On a clear Sunday, 30 May 1999, shortly after 1 p.m., a bridge crossing the Velika Morava river in Varvarin was struck by laser-guided bombs fired by one or two low-flying NATO F-16 warplanes conducting attack operations in the Kosovo war.
The two planes involved were US F-16 fighter jets
The two planes involved were US F-16 fighter jets
The area around the bridge was filled with hundreds of people celebrating an Orthodox holiday [TRINITYin and around the nearby church, a market place and a fairground. No precautions against air attacks had been taken, as the town is far from Kosovo (approx. 200 km), the aged and narrow bridge was considered insignificant and no military installations were to be found within a radius of 20 km. 
The alliance described the bridge as a "designated and legitimate target", adding it was "unable to confirm the Serbian report of casualties, but never intentionally targets civilians". [Really?]
The alliance described the bridge as a "designated and legitimate target",
adding it was "unable to confirm the Serbian report of casualties,
but never intentionally targets civilians". 
Ten civilians were killed and 17 severely injured, some with permanent disabilities, in two attack waves a few minutes apart. Most of the casualties occurred in the second wave, when people had rushed to the bridge to help those wounded in the initial wave.

To this date, NATO has refused to release further details of the airstrike – specifically the nationality of the attacking planes. In a public statement made by NATO spokesman Jamie Shea on 31 May 1999, he declared the Varvarin bridge a legitimate military target.
No explanations or other statements have been issued by NATO since then.

Sixteen-year-old Sanja Milenković, brilliant mathematics student, killed on Varvarin bridge during NATO aggression
Sixteen-year-old Sanja Milenković, brilliant mathematics student, killed on Varvarin bridge during NATO aggression
The airstrike gave rise to a lawsuit against the German government (one of the NATO countries involved in the conflict). The case was decided against the Serbian plaintiffs, but it is under appeal to Germany's highest court.
The Bridge in Varvarin after NATO  "humanitarian intervention"
BBC report

Nato issued a statement on Sunday, confirming four planes had attacked the bridge over the Velika Morava river at Varvarin. All "precision-guided ordnance" had hit the target, it said.
The alliance described the bridge as a "designated and legitimate target", adding it was "unable to confirm the Serbian report of casualties, but never intentionally targets civilians". [Really?]
Photo is confirmation or no?!?  
Serbia: Marinkovic Zoran one of civilian killed by NATO
Serbia: Marinkovic Zoran one of civilian killed by NATO

and why always on Ortodox Holiday? 
[Flash back]

Humanitarian Hypocrisy
Professor Robert Hayden, 
Director, Center for Russian & East European Studies,

University of Pittsburgh

In October 1998 NATO faced a dilemma:(1)  while its member states were threatening air attacks(2) against Yugoslavia[ Serbia]  in response to Yugoslav attacks on Kosovo Albanians, they also recognized that Kosovo is clearly within the sovereign territory of Yugoslavia [Serbia]. 

On March 24, 1999, NATO resolved this dilemma by committing the first unprovoked, opposed military aggression in Europe since Soviet troops invaded Hungary in 1956. The attacks were clearly contrary to international law and to the UN charter.(3) 

The aggression took the form of intensive bombing of the Yugoslav [Serbian] "infrastructure," the first such massive use of air attacks in Europe since World War II. 
As of May 23, after 60 days of bombing, NATO had mounted 7,000 air attacks on more than 500 targets, with munitions alone costing about $20 million per day. While Yugoslav [Serbian] military casualty figures in the first 60 days of the attacks were estimated at being "in the hundreds," NATO had in that time killed as many as 1500 civilians.(4) 
Further, in the third week of May NATO began to commit textbook war crimes, aimed at depriving the civilian population of Serbia of water and electrical power, and explicitly not aimed at military forces in Kosovo.(5)

Czech President Vaclav Havel has characterized NATO's war as one in which the alliance has "acted out of respect for human rights" and said that it is probably the first war that has been waged "in the name of principles and values."
 He also said that even though NATO acted with no authority from the UN Security Council, this violation of the UN Charter does not constitute an act of aggression or disrespect for international law, but "happened, on the contrary, out of respect for the law, for a law that ranks higher than the law which protects the sovereignty of states": human rights.(6)
 Yet the war supposedly in defense of human rights has produced war crimes by NATO, and a civilian casualty rate that is at least three time higher than the casualty rate of the "intolerable" violations of human rights that NATO was supposedly acting to correct. 
This article argues that this perversion of humanitarianism is the logical result of NATO's action, and that humanitarian catastrophes are likely to be inevitable when the excuse of "humanitarian intervention" is used to justify aggression.

The Asserted Justifications for the NATO Attacks