
Srbija na današnji dan 12. septembar

Simo Matavulj, veliki srpski književnik ::  političar, pozorišni i književni kritičar Milan Grol :: Savez lovačkih udruženja Kraljevine Srbije :: Bitka na Kajmakčalanu :: Proglašenje vaspostavljanja srpske Patrijaršije :: Dušan Matić, književnik ::  Predrag Milojević, novinar :: Mihailo Ćupović Ćupo, zlatiborski pesnik ::

                                                     12. septembar kroz istoriju

1185. - Umro je Andronik I Komnin, vizantijski car (*oko 1120.). U pobuni u vizantijskom Konstantinopolju svrgnut car Andronik I Komnin dok je se na presto popeo Isak II Anđeo čime je posle nešto više od veka vladavine svrgnuta i dinastija Komnina i zamenjena novom dinastijom Anđela.

Na fotografiji:  Smrt Andronika I Komnina na minijaturi iz 15. veka koja je ilustovala Istoriju savremenika događaja Gijoma Tirskog.
U pozadini se vidi stari i osakaćeni car koji je postavljen naopako na konja (u realnosti na kamilu) i vodan carigradskim ulicama. 

U prvom planu grupa žena čereči već polumrtvog bivšeg cara u znak odmazde zbog pogubljenja njihovih muževa.

1852. - Rođen Simo Matavulj, veliki srpski književnik (Šibenik, 12. 09. 1852 - Beograd, 04. 03. 1908).
ŽIVOT. — Rođen je 31. avgusta 1852. u Šibeniku, u Dalmaciji, u staroj srpskoj šibeničkoj porodici, od oca trgovca. 
Naporedo je učio državnu osnovnu školu, gde je jezik bio talijanski, i srpsku, »rišćansku«, gde se predavalo na srpskom. U mestu rođenja je svršio i nižu gimnaziju. Posle očeve smrti, u oskudici, ode svome stricu Serafimu, igumanu manastira Krupe, i tu se neke četiri godine spremao za kaluđera. Ne osećajući volje za kaluđerski čin, ode u Zadar, na učiteljsku školu, koju svrši 1871.

Zatim, učiteljuje po srpskim selima severne Dalmacije, u Đevrekama i na Islamu, potom [1874] ide za učitelja talijanskog jezika pomorske škole u Herceg-Novome.

Madeleine Albright - Bombing Of Serbia Was Illegal, But Fair & "Privatizing" Kosovo: The Madeleine Albright Way

Actions of the United States during the Kosovo crisis, including bombing of the areas which were not sanctioned by the United Nations, were illegal, according to the international law, but fair, said on Thursday the former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

The bombing of Kosovo in 1999 was ordered by the then U.S. President Bill Clinton, in order to stop “brutality” of Serbian forces against Albanians in Kosovo.

Comparing that crisis with the current situation in Syria, Albright said for NPR that there is number of different legal ways for the U.S. to attack that West Asian country without the approval from UN Security Council.

“I believe there is number of ways for us to that. When you ask if that is legal – honestly, to go back to Kosovo, system kind of said that what we did there was not legal, but was fair. I have always believed that we are better in multilateral than unilateral actions. But, there are other ways to understand this and get out of the blind street of the Security Council,” concluded Albright. [1]

Srbija na današnji dan 11. septembar

Bitka kod Sente :: Dr. Milan Jovanović - Batut , lekar :: Dobrica Milutinović, glumac :: Nadežda Spasojević, prvi pedijatar :: Patrijarh srpski Pavle :: Milutin Čolić, osnival FEST-a :: Milutin Garašanin, arheolog :: Vasilije Mokranjac, kompozitor :: prva sajamska manifestacija na Beogradskom sajmu :: Milovan Vitezović, književnik ::  Petar Stojanović, kompozitor :: Dejan Stanković, fudbaler ::  Stevan Koički, fizičar :: Rade Marković, glumac  :: Usekovanje glave Svetog Jovana Krstitelja 

11. septembar kroz istoriju

1697. - Bitka kod Sente. U Senćanskoj bici austrijski vojskovođa Eugen Savojski izvojevao pobedu nad turskim sultanom Mustafom II, ovaj datum obeležava se kao Dan opštine Senta.
Bitka kod Sente bila je prva, koju je princ Evgenije Savojski izvojevao kao samostalan vrhovni komandant austriske vojske. Ona ga je uzvisila u najveće vojskovođe 17. veka.

Patrijarh srpski Pavle, naš duhovni vođa (kratka biografija)

Rođen kao Gojko Stojčević u slavonskom selu Kućanci, patrijarh Pavle je imao veoma teško detinjstvo, bio je teško bolestan u mladosti, ali je doživeo da ga proglase naslednikom Svetog Save. Njegova svetost patrijarh srpski gospodin Pavle ostavio je nemerljivo značajan trag u vremenima teškim za srpski narod, crkvu i državu.
Bolešljivi i mirni dečačić Gojko  - Gojko Stojčević student Bogoslovije -                                         Vladika Pavle 1957 godine
Bolešljivi i mirni dečačić Gojko  - Gojko Stojčević student Bogoslovije - Vladika Pavle 1957 godine

Srbija na današnji dan 10. septembar

1842. - Narodna skupština kneževine Srbije, u kojoj su ustavobranitelji imali većinu, proglasila je za kneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića, sina vođe Prvog srpskog ustanka Karađorđa. Ustavobranitelji su prethodno zbacili kneza Mihajla Obrenovića, koji je potom izbegao u Austriju.

Srbija na današnji dan 9 septembar

Joakim (Aćim) Vujić, srpski književnik :: Mihailo Valtrović arhitekta :: Prvi međunarodni noćni let u istoriji svetskog vazduhoplovstva: Pariz-Beč-Budimpešta-Pančevo-Bukurešt-Carigrad :: Mladen Markov, književnik :: potonuo brod "Niš" :: Ratni zločin u Medačkom džepu :: bombardovanja Republike Srpske :: Predrag Pepi Laković glimac :: reprezentativci osvojili prvenstvo Evrope u košarci :: Medački džep  :: Na Jelici osvećena prva isposnica ERP u Egzilu

9. septembar kroz istoriju

1772. - Rođen je Joakim (Aćim) Vujić, srpski književnik,  učitelj i pozorišni pisac i prvi organizator pozorišne umetnosti u Srbiji. Prevodio je, glumio, bio reditelj, scenograf, tehničar koji pomera zavesu, štampa plakate.
Putovao je, i u svakom mestu gde su živeli Srbi, Temišvaru, Novom Sadu, Aradu, Segedinu i Pančevu osnivao pozorišne trupe. 
Bio je protivnik jezičke reforme Vuka Stefanovića Karadžića. 
Napisao je "Putešestvija" i 21 dramsko djelo, uključujući "Kreštalicu", "Fernanda i Jariku" i "LJubovnaju zavist čerez jedne cipele"...
U Mađarskom pozorištu u Pešti je 1813. godine prikazao prvu pozorišnu predstavu na srpskom jeziku "Kreštalice" .
Na poziv kneza Miloša odlazi u Kragujevac, gde 1835. godine otvara "Prvi knjaževsko-serbski teatar" i postaje njegov direktor. U ovom dvorskom teatru predstave su igrane samo u prisustvu Miloša Obrenovića. Prvu srpsku profesionalnu teatarsku družinu "Leteće diletantsko pozorište" Vujić je osnovao u Novom Sadu 1838. godine. Narodno pozorište u Kragujevcu nosi njegovo ime, kao i susreti profesionalnih pozorišta Srbije.

Srbija na današnji dan 8. septembar

Kralj Dušan Stefan Nemanjić :: episkop Visarion Pavlović :: Jovan Hadžić pisac ::  Dimitrije Stamenković ::  Karolj Ač književnik :: Želimir Žilnik, filmski reditelj :: FSL :: Republiku Srpsku i Muslimansko-Hrvatsks Federacija :: Studentski pokret Otpor ::Miodrag Vartabedijan Varta, akademski slikar

8. septembar kroz istoriju

1331. - Krunisan je srpski kralj Dušan Stefan Nemanjić (Zeta, oko 1308 — 20.12.1355).
Srpskog velmožu Dušana Stefana Nemanjića, sina kralja Stefana Dečanskog, arhiepiskop Danilo Drugi krunisao na državnom saboru u gradu Svrčin /u južnom delu Kosova/ u 23. godini života za kralja Srbije. 
Stefan Uroš IV Dušan — najmoćniji vladar iz srpske dinastije Nemanjića i prvi srpski car.
Za kralja krunisan 8. septembar 1331. godine u Svrčinu, za cara 16. april 1346. u Skoplju .

Za vladavine kralja, a potom cara Dušana, srpska srednjovekovna država dostiže svoj zenit: teritorijalno, ovaj potomak Stefana Nemanje bejaše osvojio "dve trećine Balaknskog poluostrva", "devet desetina vizantijskog carstva". U XIV veku, piše S. Ransimen, "car Stefan Dušan bio je možda najmoćniji vladalac u Evropi": pošto bejaše zauzeo Epir, Tesaliju, Etoliju i Akarnaniju, njegova država prostirala se "od Dunava do Korintskog zaliva, i od Jadrana do Jegejskog mora" (G. Ostrogorski). 

Vizantiji bejahu preostali jedino Trakija, skoro opustela i izmučena dugogodišnjim ratom, Solun i Carigrad. Poslednjih godina vladavine cara Dušana, njegova osnovna politička želja bila je osvajanje Carigrada. 

Srbija na današnji dan 7. septembar

 Kapetan Koča Anđelković :: narodni tribun  Vasa Pelagić :: Ljiljana Kontić, glumica :: izgradnja hidrocentrale "Đerdap" :: Dragoslav Rančić, novinar :: Međunarodna mirovna konferencija o Jugoslaviji :: Monika Seleš :: Patrijarh Irinej  u sedištu UN-a :: Festival MOMIN KRUG :: Spomen-ploča piscu i slikaru Momi Kaporu
 7. septembar kroz istoriju

1788. - Pogubljen Koča Anđelković (Panjevac, 1755 - Tekija, 07. 09. 1788), kapetan, vođa srpskih dobrovoljaca u  austrijsko- turskom ratu .
Kapetan Koča je prvi u Srbiji počeo borbu protiv turske vlasti, stvorivši slobodnu teritoriju u centralnoj Srbiji prozvanu po njemu Kočina krajina, koja je trajala od decembra 1787. do septembra 1788. godine.
Kako ocenjuju istoričari, iako je kratko trajala, ostavila je dubok trag na svest srpskog naroda i dala nadu za oslobođenje od turskog ropstva.
Koča bio kapetan austrijske vojske u austrijsko-turskom ratu, a Kočina krajina "ima izuzetan značaj ne samo u istoriji srpskog naroda, već i u evropskoj istoriji novog veka".
Kočina krajina bila je sastavni deo mnogo šireg evropskog sukoba, nego što se zna u našoj javnosti. To je, zapravo, bio sve evropski rat koji je trajao od 1778. do 1792. godine. U tom ratu učestovale su Velika Britanija, Danska, Švedska, Rusija, Austrija i Turska.
Glavne borbe Srba - dobrovoljaca i Turaka vodile na širokom području od Dunava do severnih granica Niške nahije.

Srbija na današnji dan 6. septembar

Bitka na Frigidu ::  Austrijanci preoteli Beograd od Turaka :: Petar Stojanović, kompoztior :: Bitka na Drini ili Drinska bitka ::  Pravoslavni bogoslovski fakultet :: Kralj Petar II Karađorđević :: Nada Dimić, narodni heroj :: Miloš Savković kniževnik :: Savezničko bombardovanje Leskovca :: Ljiljana Habjanović-Đurović, književnica :: Čedomir  Brašanac, književnik :: „Milenijumski samit UN“ :: Pesnička manifestacija “Brankovo kolo”

6. septembar kroz istoriju

394.Bitka na Frigidu (danas Vipavi u Sloveniji) vođena je 5. i 6. septembra 394. između vojski Istočno Rimskog carstva i Zapadnog Carstva
Teodosije I predvodio je vojsku Istočnog Carstva, a Evgenije i magister militum Arbogast su bili na čelu vojske Zapadnog rimskog carstva.
Poraz Zapada je bio jedan od odlučujućih događaja rimske istorije: poslednji put u istoriji Rimskog carstva vlast nad čitavim Carstvom je ponovo bila u rukama jednog čoveka, Teodosija I.
 Što je možda još značajnije, Evgenijev poraz opredelio je bržu i pouzdaniju hristijanizaciju Zapada Bitka je bio poslednji pokušaj pagana da se suprotstave pobedi hrišćanstva. Pobeda istoka je takođe ubrzala propast rimske vojske na zapadu, što je ubrzalo propast Zapadnog rimskog carstva u celini.
Izvor: Wikipedia

1688. - Austrijanci su posle jednomesečne opsade preoteli Beograd od Turaka. Janičari su prethodno temeljno opljačkali grad i ukrcali plen na 500 lađa kojima su pobegli Dunavom. Posle pljačke Turci su spalili delove Beograda, kojem je veliku štetu nanelo i austrijsko bombardovanje.
Austrijska vojska pod komandom bavarskog kneza Maksimilijana Emanuela, uz pomoć srpskih dobrovoljaca, savladala je otpor Turaka i ušla u Beograd. Turci su ga ponovo zauzeli 1690.
Beograd je tri puta od Turaka osvajala Austrija (1688—1690, 1717—1739, 1789—1791), a Osmanlije su ga ponovo zauzimale, uz velika razaranja

Srbija na današnji dan: 5. septembar

Toma Vučić Perišić : : Jovan Ristić :: Srpska crtačka i slikarska škola :: Jevrem Grujić :: Prvi kongres srpskih lekara i prirodnjaka : :Vladan Radovanović :: Neutralnost Jugoslavije  :: Nikola Kojo :: Zaida Krimšamhalov

5. spetembar kroz istoriju
1842. - “Narodni predvoditelj” Toma Vučić Perišić stigao je pre u Kragujevac i 4. septembra na Metinom brdu razbio kneževu vojsku .
Toma Vučić Perišić (Barič, 1787/1788 — Beograd, 1859) učesnik  Prvog i Drugog srpskog ustanka, vojvoda, političar i pristalica politike Kneza Miloša za vreme Đakove 1825. i Miletine bune 1835. godine, a potom žestoki protivnik iste i ustavobranitelj. 

Toma Vučić Perišić
Ustav iz 1838. godine, kao i izvesni zakoni doneti tada, prouzrokovali su nemire u Kneževini. 

Ustavobraniteljska opozicija je u prvoj polovini 1839. godine toliko ojačala da je knez Miloš potražio rešenje radi njenog kršenja u podizanju tzv. Jovanove bune. Loše pripremljenu i još gore vođenu, ustavobranitelji su uspeli lako da je uguše, a njihov predvodnik Toma Vučić-Perišić je u Kragujevcu sakupio predstavnike 12 okruga (među njima i užičkog) i izvršio “izbor” narodnih poslanika za predstojeću skupštinu. 

Srbija na današnji dan: 4. septembar

Knez Mihailo Obrenović : :  Radoje Ljutovac–Raka artiljerac : :  Aleksandar Deroko arhitekta : : Mirjana-Mira Banjac glimica : : Aleksandar Berček glumac : : kamen temeljac  hidroelektrane Đerdap  : : Međunarodna mirovna konferencija o Jugoslaviji : : Petar Banićević glumac : : Dafina Milanović, vlasnica "Dafiment banke" : :  EuroBasket 2013. Slovenia
 4. septembar kroz istoriju

1823. - Rođen je Mihailo Obrenović ( 4. septembar, 1823. Kragujevac, Srbija   - 29. maj, 1868. Beograd, Srbija ), knez Srbije od 1839. do 1842. i od 1860. do 1868, kada je ubijen u Košutnjaku. 
Sin kneza Miloša i kneginje Ljubice, prvi put je bio na vlasti posle smrti starijeg brata Milana (1839). Sultan ga je potvrdio kao izabranog, a ne i naslednog kneza. Avgusta 1842. 
Toma Vučić - Perišić  je podigao bunu i naterao ga da napusti Srbiju, a na presto je došao Aleksandar Karađorđević. Van zemlje je proveo šest godina i u to vreme pomagao je mnogim Srbima koji su se bavili književnošću (Vuk Karadžić, Đura Daničić, Branko Radičević i drugi). 

Srbija na današnji dan: 3. septembar

Boj na Deligradu : : beogradski vezir Marašli Ali-paša : : Miloje M. Vasić, tvorac srpske arheološke nauke : : Prvi putnički voz Beograd-Niš : : Mirko Stojaković, matematičar : : oktroisani Ustav : : prve beogradske Međunarodne automobilske i motociklističke trke : : Slobodan Mašić : : Dragan Mance : :  Irena Kolesar : : Đorđe Sudarski Red
3. septembar koz istoriju
1806. - Boj na Deligradu u Prvom srpskom ustanku. Srbi su, u Prvom srpskom ustanku, kod Deligrada pobedili tursku vojsku, a vojvoda Stanoje Glavaš oslobodio je Prokuplje.

Bitka boj na Deligradu
Za vreme turske ofanzive protiv ustanika 1806. godine, rumelijski valija Ibrahim-paša, sa oko 50.000 pešaka, mnogobrojnom konjicom i 14 topova i kumbara, nastupao je krajem juna od Niša ka Deligradu.

Borbe su vođene tokom celog leta, a prednja odeljenja turske vojske izbila su pred Deligrad 16. jula.

Ibrahim-paša je nekoliko nedelja svakodnevno pešadijom napadao srpska utvrđenja na Deligradu, pokušavajući da ih olakša obilaskom konjice i podilaženjem pomoću podzemnih hodnika, ali bez uspeha.

Krajem jula, srpski ustanici vojvode Petra Dobrnjca, kojima je u pomoć pritekao i Mladen Milovanović sa Topljaka, ispadom u tursku pozadinu, potukli su i pomoćne snage Šašit-paše.

Srbija na današnji dan: 2. septembar

Car Konstancije III :: Avram Petronijević :: Nikolaj Nikolajevič Rajevski :: Milica Babić :: Skender Kulenović :: Veljko Vlahović :: Dragoljub Raša Todosijević ::  prvu domaću TV drama :: Vladimir Bulatović - Vib :: Sergej Trifunović :: Vladimir Vitas :: Ratomir Vico

2. septembar kroz istoriju

421. - Umro je Konstancije III, zapadnorimski car rodom iz Naisa (današnjeg Niša).
Konstancije III

Konstancije III je još jedan car rođen u Naisu. Imao je briljantne vojne pobede, obeležio je celu deceniju istorije Zapadnog rimskog carstva neposredno uoči njegove konačne propasti.

Srbija na današnji dan: 1. septembar

:: Ilarion Ruvarac ::  Udruženje pravoslavnih sveštenika :: Politika, Vladislav F. Ribnikar :: OFK Beograd :: Mihajlo Mitrović :: Miodrag-Mile Bogdanović :: Zakon o administrativnoj podeli Srbije :: Prva konferencija šefova država i vlada nesvrstanih zemalja :: Marakana :: JAT  :: Svetsko prvenstvo u kajaku i kanuu na mirnim vodama u Kazanju

1. septembar kroz istoriju 

1832. - Rođen je srpski istoričar i sveštenik Ilarion Ruvarac  (Sremska Mitrovica, 1.9.1832 - manastir Grgeteg, 8.8.1905), osnivač srpske kritičke istorijske škole, član Srpske kraljevske akademije.

Obavio je pionirski posao kritičkog istorijskog istraživanja, suzbijajući nenaučne postupke u proučavanju srpske istorije.
Bio je profesor i rektor Bogoslovije u Sremskim Karlovcima, a od 1882. arhimandrit fruškogorskog manastira Grgeteg.

Godine 1888. Srpska kraljevska akademija ga proglašava za jednog od prvih redovnih članova, a pre toga to je učinilo i Srpsko učeno društvo, preteča Srpske kraljevske akademije 1869.godine.Ovaj čin je predstavljao počast, ne samo za Ruvarca, već za celokupni srpski narod.

Iako je bio često osporavan i zbog svog nepokolebljivog stava zapadao u velike neprilike, Ruvarac je dobijao mnoga priznanja, tako je 2004. godine uvršten u spisak 100 najznamenitijih Srba.

Bombing of RTS - Freedom of expression, according to NATO


Darko Stoimenovski (26), technician
Nebojsa Stojanovic (27), technician
Dragorad Dragojevic (27), security guard
Ksenija Bankovic (28), video mixer
Jelica Munitlak (28), make-up artist
Dejan Markovic (30), security guard
Aleksandar Deletic (31), cameraman
Dragan Tasic (31), technician
Slavisa Stevanovic (32), producer
Sinisa Medic (33), programme designer
Ivan Stukalo (34), foreign programming specialist
Milan Joksimovic (47), security officer
Branislav Jovanovic (50), programme operator
Slobodan Jontic (54), set director
Milovan Jankovic (59), mechanic
Tomislav Mitrovic (61), programme director.

Killed on the day that NATO bombed a television station for not toeing the NATO party line.
NATO bombing of the Radio Television of Serbia headquarters

BELGRADE, April 23 (Reuters) - NATO air strikes blasted Serbian state television off the air on Friday, just hours after Belgrade offered apeace proposal to allow an "international presence" in war-torn Kosovo under U.N. auspices. Belgrade residents reported hearing a "huge explosion" at 2:04 a.m. (0004 GMT) and said NATO had hit the RTS television building, taking all channels off the air. 
"The RTS building has been hit," said one witness. "There is smoke everywhere and there are people inside the building."
NATO bombing of the Radio Television of Serbia headquarters
NATO bombing of the Radio Television of Serbia headquarters

As our current government is acting upon the saying "If you can't beat them, join them" and is likely to join futures with countries that bombed FR Yugoslavia in 1999 and actually sacrifice 20% of our territory in this integration process, let us remember this unprecedented NATO crime - the bombing of Radio Television of Serbia (RTS), The National Broadcasting Company of Serbia, which killed 16 employees and wounded many more. 
Those same countries which invest loads of money in various Non-Governmental Organizations which are allegedly propagating democracy and tolerance in Serbia, those same countries that were fully supportive of the NATO leadership's decision to bomb National Television of Serbia back in 1999.
How about hypocrisy...

The Rape of #Serbia [part 2]

The Rape of Serbia (Part 2)

The War is About The Mines Of Kosovo

„Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter to sweet, and sweet for bitter!“
- Isaiah 5:20.
Wars are at root about economics, and the Kosovo war was no different.
So, why have had hundreds of millions of dollars in high-tech weapons suddenly become available to the, according to State Department – terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army? By way, of the USA and Germany!
At the beginning, the biggest winners of all in this war were Boeing, Northrop-Grumman and Raytheon. And, of course, their happy shareholders.
A Pentagon source has told me that US used 63% of munitions inventory to destroy Serbia. Shortly, U.S. Congress rushed through a $13 billion military spending package after the first two weeks of bombing. Such a bill would not have been possible without this bombing campaign. After that, US Congress requested an additional $120 billion for the next five years, and over $250 billion through the year 2010. What a bonanza for the munitions makers !
„Rambouillet peace conference“ and „Rambouillet Accords“ were nothing else but organized theft of Serbian resources by Western corporations. Even the Serbophobic New York Times admitted in 1998 article: “Below Kosovo, a war’s glittering prize awaits the conqueror“. However, that same media rarely mentioned the 17 trillion dollars in mineral assets of Serbia.
Serbia’s mineral resources are the richest in all Europe – west of Russia.
Kosovo is often portrayed in the media as an isolated mountainous region, poor and without resources. It might seem, from theese accounts, to be an area of interest only to those who live there. continue -- > 

The Rape of #Serbia [part I]

The Rape of Serbia

By Sir Vojislav Milosevic

Part 1.

„To investigate and expose a crime, you need to discover the motive and the modus operandi of the perpetrator“.
I suppose I have a weird sense of humor, but I often laugh at things which really are more grotesque than funny.
Why was there, a „civil war“ in Kosovo? Why did the Clinton administration get involved in it? What has been accomplished with 78 days of warfare, year 1999? continue -- > 

How did I get interested in the issue of anti-NATO resistance in Serbia [Yugoslavia]

Couple of days ago, on the 14th anniversary of NATO's bombing of the train on Grdelica gorge, there was an interesting discussion on my friend's Facebook wall revolving around imperialism, NATO, failure of the left, similarities and differences among the cases of Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Libya and Syria, which was triggered by Sukant Chandan's article: "Patrick Cockburn bemoans Libyan disaster, but was very quiet as the disaster was unfolding"
Nato hit an international train, on regular service from Belgrade to Thessaloniki (Greece), in the vicinity of Leskovac. Dozen[No one knows the precise number]  passengers were killed, including a 10 year-old child. More than 30 passengers were wounded. All casualties were civilians.
There were some interesting comments there, some of them published in Sons of Malcolm subsequent post: "Before nATO attack on Libya, Afghanistan: There was Yugoslavia 1999"

This time I would like to share with you one comment in particular that was, in fact, an answer to
Sukant's question: 
Chris Natural, how did you get interested in the issue around anti-nato resistance in Serbia/Yugoslavia?

Chris Natural: 
How did I get interested? How do any of us get interests in such matters?
For myself, I guess from a lifetime of questioning our motives everywhere. A strong feeling of right and wrong. Which seemed to be in my blood from birth for reasons unknown.

I remember as a nine year old being one of very few speaking out against Thatcher during my junior school vote on the eve of the '79 election. Not because of any encouragement from my folks (at this time we rarely spoke about politics, though they had an interest). 

CNN and BBC helping Albanians to ethnically cleanse North Kosovo Serbs?

Bomb has been thrown this morning on a Serb home in Zvečan.
More than twenty bombs have been thrown on Kosovo Serb houses since January this year.
Hundreds of Serb graves were desecrated.
Serb pupils were stoned while waiting for the bus.
No one was persecuted.
Not even one bomb was thrown on an Albanian house in retaliation.
Sneža Vučetić trying to console one of her two children,
injured when bomb was thrown on their home, 04.02.13.

The last bomb is significant because it comes amid the news that Albanian Rosu special forces (consisting mostly of former KLA fighters) intensified patrols around Serb areas and are behaving as if they are about to attack civilians. President of the Leposavić Municipality Dragiša Vasić said yesterday that Serbs are worried due to sudden suspicious increased presence and movements of ROSU forces in Serb areas.

"Serbs see it as a provocation, and as a possibility for an attempt of re-invasion, similar to July 2011, when ROSU tried to forcefully occupy North Kosovo" said Vasić for Kurir press.

The Republic of Serbia, President Mr. Tomislav Nikolic, UN General Assembly,Thematic Debate: Role of International Criminal Justice in Reconciliation

The Serbian president expressed the view that the ICTY, known as the Hague Tribunal, has done nothing to help but has rather only hindered the process of reconciliation in the former Yugoslavia.
 Republic of Serbia, President Mr. Tomislav Nikolic, UN General Assembly,Thematic Debate: Role of International Criminal Justice in Reconciliation
 Republic of Serbia, President Mr. Tomislav Nikolic, UN General Assembly,Thematic Debate: Role of International Criminal Justice in Reconciliation

“Serbia and I are ready not to wait for 70 more years to reconcile with the neighbors that we used to live with together in the same state or (to reconcile) with those, I mean to say Kosovo-Metohija, with whom we live in the same country today. I am deeply convinced that the Hague Tribunal has only done harm to this process and that it has probably caused an unnecessary delay that will be carried over to the next generation. The process has certainly and to a large extent been slowed down and made more difficult,” said the Serbian president. 

Thematic Debate on the Role of International Criminal Justice in Reconciliation

S.E. M. Vuk Jeremić, President of the 67th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
S.E. M. Vuk Jeremić, President of the 67th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
S.E. M. Vuk Jeremić, President of the 67th Session of the United Nations General Assembly

Address at the Opening of the Thematic Debate on the
Role of International Criminal Justice in Reconciliation
New York, 10 April 2013

Mr. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,
Esteemed Heads of State,
Respected Ministers,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is my distinct privilege to welcome you to the United Nations General Assembly.
Two decades after the establishment of the inaugural UN ad hoc tribunal, and eleven years following the entry into force of the Rome Statute establishing the ICC, we are finally holding our first thematic debate on international criminal justice.

I believe this is an issue of enormous significance for the international community. The number and diversity of countries that will participate in today’s proceedings demonstrates how widespread is the interest in this topic.

It is also an immensely sensitive one, for discussions about international criminal justice often involve considerations of delicate matters like sovereignty or impartiality. But I firmly believe there should be no forbidden subjects in the General Assembly. Where else can all Member States come together, as equals, to exchange views frankly, openly, and inclusively on far-reaching issues?

Students from the University of Belgrade and citizens of Serbia: “NO TO CAPITULATION!”

Many thanks The Voice Of Russia
Students from the University of Belgrade and citizens of Serbia are up in arms over a proposed agreement with Pristina over Kosovo which is for all intents and purposes entails the complete and total capitulation of Kosovo and will cement the loss of an area that many Serbs consider to be the heart of Serbia.
Photo: Група подршке браћи на Космету

Students from the University of Belgrade and citizens of Serbia are up in arms over a proposed agreement with Pristina over Kosovo which is for all intents and purposes entails the complete and total capitulation of Kosovo and will cement the loss of an area that many Serbs consider to be the heart of Serbia. 

This is a "no" to blackmails, conditions and threats from Brussels #Serbia #Kosovo

Protest in Serbian Capital Blegrade against EU blackmail 

The government of Serbia cannot accept principles verbally presented to its negotiating team in Brussels, since they do not guarantee full security and protection of human rights to the Serb people in Kosovo," Ivica Dacic, Serbian prime minister, told reporters.

Update on EU ultimatum to Serbia regarding Kosovo status

President Nikolic gave a statement at the press conference held after the meeting with President of Republic Srpska, Milorad Dodik, saying that government will announce  its stance on proposed solutions for Kosovo tomorrow and that it will be a stance supported both by the President and the majority of parliamentary parties. He also said that Serbian delegation did not have an actual offer at the talks in Brussels, that the existing principles need to be fixed and that Serbia can not give up on its constitution and implement Kosovo's laws and constitution.

Protests in Belgrade will continue until the Government refuses the Kosovo ultimatum

Protests in Belgrade will continue until the Government refuses the Kosovo ultimatum

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić, Prime Minister Ivica Dačić and First Deputy PM Aleksandar Vučić  will continue consultations regarding the status of Kosovo over weekend. The final decision is supposed to be announced after the extraordinary government session on Monday, as B92 reports.
Protests in Belgrade will continue until the Government refuses the Kosovo ultimatum
Return to the framework of the Serbian Constitution and the Resolution 1244,
stop making the border with Kosovo and
the recognition of the so-called independent Kosovo

Meanwhile, today, on the 72nd anniversary of German bombing of Belgrade in WWII, approximately five thousands people have gathered at the protest called
"We don't want EU - We want Kosovo and Metohija" organized by the movement Dveri Srpske as a culmination of their campaign "This can't go on!" who called all interested people and organizations to participate united, under the Serbian flag.

The Future of the Republic of Srpska

Republic of Srpska (Republika Srpska, Serbian Republic) is practically independent, it has it's own constitution, legislation, judiciary, Parliament, Ministers, Prime Minister, President, and on top of that no one from Republic of Srpska wants to live in Bosnia and Herzegovina, nor considers Bosnia his state. 

Republic of Srpska, Capital Banja Luka

American bombs were the ones which pushed three sides (Muslims, Croats and Serbs) into one cattle pen as a temporary solution after the war.

Cancer occurrence among Kosovo Serbs increased up to five times due to DU used in NATO bombing!

Pancevo under NATO bombs
In the first two years after the '99. NATO bombing with depleted uranium, cancer occurrence among Kosovo Serbs increased up to five times![1] Radioactive matter J 131 is usually isolated from the biopsy samples. The most common are lung cancers, and cancers of reproductive organs. NATO troops have been affected as well, especially Italian an Portuguese contingent. NATO is still paying damages to the families of deceased Italian KFOR troops in a low-profile, out-of-media case.

Smoke rising over bombed oil rafinery in Novi Sad /Photo Reuters

Eustahia Arsic: First published Serbian female writer

Eustahia Arsic, first woman writer in Serbia

The first female Serbian writer after Jefimija and the first woman from Serbia who printed her literary works.

She was born into a family of Cinčić in Irig, on 14th March 1776, and died in Arad on 17th February 1843.

There are no documents available about her schooling, but it is known that she was well educated. She read Rajić, Obradović, Stojković, Kengelc and Julinc. She was subscribed to all the works of Dositej Obradovic early in the 19th century in Arad, where she lived with her parents. Otto Ferdinand Dubislav von Pirch, in his book "Traveling trough Serbia" mentions that she has translated Voltaire, Wieland and James Thomson.

Beautiful Photos of Serbia

Blederija waterfall, Miroc Mountain, (Miroč)

Tara Mountain

Уго Чавез Фриас, Почивај у Снази

Eres de los muertos que nunca mueren!

Уго Чавез Фриас, са џепним издањем Венецуеланског устава

By Daniel Patrick Welch
Шта је овај човек значио и шта још увек значи за глобални југ и за све оне који теже ка бољем путу за човечанство, не може се довољно нагласити. Ја готово немам речи да опишем колико сам тужан. Један део мене само жели да се склупча и буде тужан, али истовремено осећам да је од изузетног значаја да пронаћем речи и да их разгласим, говорећи их опет и изнова. Viva Comandante Chavez! Viva la revolucion! Viva el socialismo bolivriano!! ( Живео Командант Чавез! Живела револуција! Живео боливаријански социјализам!)
Ово је застрашујући и рањив тренутак за народ Венецуеле и за било кога ко би се одупрео империјалистичкој агресији. Реакционарске снаге предвођене Сједињеним Америчким Државама су већ више пута покушале да покрену пуч против Чавеза, а несумњиво нешто покушавају истог овог тренутка. Иде им вода на уста на саму помисао критиковања једног од највећих симбола отпора, и свако коме је стало да се супротстави империји треба бити у стању високе приправности.

Serbian graveyards in Kosovo and Metohija: destroyed and desecrated

The stories of the tragic fate of the Serbian people you can read on site 
ISTOK, PEĆ — Serbian government’s Kraljevo-based Office for Kosovo on Sunday organized a visit to cemeteries in towns of Istok and Peć for displaced Serbs.
Both cemeteries have been desecrated.
In the town of Istok, where only several Serb families still live, more than 100 tombstones have been damaged and completely destroyed.
“A decade of madness cannot defeat centuries,” said Kraljevo-based Office for Kosovo Director Aleksandar Erac.

Last Salute to President Chavez and a couple of warnings regarding future

Chavez with his pocket edition of Venezuelan constitution

Sad news  - Hugo Chavez has passed away. Another great leader and a great Man is removed from his people when he is much needed, but I still believe that Venezuela will stay on the right path because the greatest thing that Chavez has accomplished in his life is empowering and educating the people themselves, so that now they can not be easily led arround blindfolded by the neo-liberal, capitalist pro-US elite.

Zivadin Jovanovic: There is an ongoing Third World War

An excerpt from Zivadin Jovanovic interview to the Serbian TV CG regarding the 14 years since NATO aggression against Serbia and Montenegro. Translation of parts of the original article  as published in Serbian on Belgrade Forum for the World of Equals

Translation from Serbian to English by Ana Tsivdari
NATO aggression against Serbia and Montenegro, 14 years ago was a war of conquest. The conquest of Kosovo and Metohija was the immediate objective. Aggression continued by breaking FRY, and it continues today by crushing Serbia. Brussels "negotiations" aimed to consolidate the objectives of the NATO aggression 14 years ago. Who dares and wants to see it can conclude that to the US, UK, Germany and the West (read: NATO and the EU) the "independent Kosovo" led by the former leader of the KLA terroristsis is more important than  Serbia. I am sad that the leadership of Serbia dares not or does not want to see that those countries ruthlessly humiliate Serbia and the Serbian people. We need not even get a date, nor a single membership, but we have to keep only the dignity, freedom and friends who do not blackmail and humiliate us.


A photo from one of Pristina shop windows.

Four black eagles signify:
Greater Kosovo (with parts of Montenegro and Presevo valley);
 Republic of Albania,
"Ilirida" (North Western Macedonia) and
Cameria (Northen Greek Epirus).

Kosovo Massacre: In Memoriam - twelve years after the Nis Express Massacre

"Nis Express Massacre"  happened, on February 16, 2001, near Podujevo. 
The terrorist attack was performed by members of so called Albanian National Army (ANA or AKSH) which was two years later proclaimed by UNMIK chief a terrorist organization. What happens with Ejupi after he was arrested in Tirana in 2004 is not clearly known. KIM Info service learns that he may have been charged for killing some policemen but not for the NIs Express attack.
This heinous crime, one of the worst of its kind in post-war Kosovo has never been fully investigated by UNMIK police and KFOR and its perpetrators have not been brought to justice until know. 

One of the suspects, a Kosovo Albanian former UCK/KLA millitant Florim Ejupi, a member of a terrorist organization ANA(Albanian National Army - AKSH) managed to ran away from the US Millitary Detention facility at Camp Bondsteel in Eastern Kosovo under very mysterious circumstances.

УСТАВ КЊАЖЕСТВА СЕРБИЈЕ. издан и заклетвом потврђен О СРЕТЕНСКОЈ СКУПШТИНИ 1835 ГОД. У Крагујевцу.


и заклетвом потврђен
У Крагујевцу
Глава прва 
Достоинство и простор Сербије

1) Сербија је нераздјелно, и у прављенију свом независимо Књажество по признанију Султана МАХМУДА Другога, и Императора НИКОЛАЈА Првога.

2) Сербија дјелисе на разна Окружија, а Окружија на Срезове и Обштине. Границе и имена први могу се законом и мјењати и дотеривати на округ.

Depleted Uranium weapons are nuclear weapons!

German physician Professor Dr. Günther was the first in the world, to bring forward proof that depleted uranium weapons (bullets, shells and bombs) are nuclear weapons.

Depleted Uranium Keeps On Killing/ LINK

In the early 90s, inside his diplomats’ luggage, he managed to bring in some of these DU ballistics over from Iraq and arranged their investigation at three research institutes in Germany, which confirmed his suspicions that NATO had used nuclear weapons in the Gulf War!

Two Serb children injured by an explosive device in Kosovska Mitrovica

Serbian children injured in an explosion/ photo 
Source: Tanjug
Late on Monday in Northern Kosovska Mitrovica two children, boy and a girl age three and nine, were injured in a blast when an unidentified person threw an explosive device at a Serb house in Bosniak Mahala, one of the mixed quarters in Kosovska Mitrovica which is a home to both Serbs and Albanians.

The Srebrenica massacre was a gigantic political fraud - exclusive interview

John Robles
31.01.2013, 15:29
Renowned author Dr. Edward Herman spoke with the Voice of Russia regarding the facts surrounding the Srebrenica Massacre, the pretext for the "humanitarian" invasion of the former Yugoslavia, and takes apart the "official" version that has always been promoted by the West. Dr. Herman reveals that there were in fact multiple massacres at Srebrenica, and that the killing of Bosnian-Muslim soldiers at Srebrenica (the West's pretext) was in response to the killing of over 2,000 Serb civilians, mostly women and children, at the location.


Robles: My first question is about “The Srebrenica Massacre” and the way that the establishment manipulated the media. Can you tell us, or give us some insights, on that?
Herman: The Srebrenica Massacre, actually I always put it in quote marks, because actually there were lots of massacres in the Srebrenica area, the one before July 1995 there were vast numbers of Serbs killed by Muslim, Bosnian Muslim, forces who went out of Srebrenica.
One estimate is that there were more than 150 Serbs villages that were totally wiped out and one study gives actually gives the namesof 2,383 Serb civilians who were killed between 1992 and July, 1995. So then we’d call that “The First Srebrenica Massacre”. Then in July 1995…