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What is this monument inscribed in Arabic script doing in Srebrenica (Potocari village), Bosnia? |
Introduction by Nathan Pearlstein
Why are the mainstream Western media, the US administrations under George W. Bush and Bill Clinton as well as the governments of NATO and the EU covering up this monumental crime against humanity?
Why are the Serbs – whom apart from the Jews were the major victims of the Holocaust during World War 2 - being cast as the perpetrators of genocide while the real perpetrators of genocide – the Islamofascists loyal to Alija Izetbegovic – are being cast by the corporate media, the US, NATO and EU governments as “the victims”?
Why was Naser Oric – the Islamofascist commander of Srebrenica and perpetrator of a massive genocide against Serbian men, women and children in Srebrenica from 1992 to 1995 – given only a 2 year sentence for this monumental crime against humanity and allowed to walk free from NATO’s Scheveningen ICTY prison: the former Nazi SS dungeon for patriotic Dutch resistance fighters against the Germans during World War 2 in The Hague, Holland?
Our dear friend and colleague at 4International, Peter Robert North, has graciously allowed us to reproduce in full his outstanding work here on what really happened in Srebrenica and Gorazde from 1992 to 1995. A revelation of truth which is of enormous historical significance and importance to all good people across the globe but especially for all patriotic Jewish people in Israel and the diaspora.
We all remember the Western media hoaxes and fakery concerning the events in Jenin and Qana recently and how these media frauds were used to demonize Israel and the Jewish people. So it is absolutely crucial that we also expose the Western media fraud concerning the events in Srebrenica, Bosnia in July, 1995, in order to reveal just how corrupt and dishonest the Western media, the US, NATO and EU Imperialist governments are when they turn the world upside down by demonizing the victims of a massacre in order to prop up the Islamofascist perpetrators, thereby creating new independent Islamist states for the Islamofascists (as the US, NATO and EU are doing right now in Kosovo on behalf of the Islamofascist terrorist group: the KLA).
The following article, my dear readers, is the horrific truth about what happened to the Serb civilians of Srebrenica and Gorazde – a shocking truth which the Fascist Left supporters of Hamas and PLO/Fatah, as well as the pro-NATO Imperialist cowards on British website “Harry’s Place” – especially Oliver Kamm and Marko Attila Hoare – are so desperate to hide from the people of the world.
The following is a dire warning to us all! We ignore this at our own peril.
The Real Srebrenica Genocide: The mass murder of Serbs in Srebrenica and Gorazde from 1992 to 1995 by Alija Izetbegovic’s Islamofascist terrorists
By Peter Robert North
The real Srebrenica Genocide not reported by the corrupt, racist pro-Islamist-Nazi Western corporate-controlled media, was the brutal mass murder – using axes, knives, daggers, sledgehammers, iron bars, flamethrowers and explosives – of 3,870 Serbian elderly men, women and young children in and around the town of Srebrenica and its adjoining towns and villages(Bratunac,Skelani,Milici, et al) as well as the town of Gorazde.
Bosnian Muslim military forces from Srebrenica killed Bosnian Serb Milan Vujicic, mutilated his body, and then roasted his corpse.

The body of Bosnian Serb civilian Kostadinka Grcic, executed by Bosnian Muslim forces by stabbing her in the chest.
The body of Milica Saric, who was murdered by Bosnian Muslim forces in Kalinovik with 30 other Bosnian Serb civilians.
On right, the body of 15 year-old Bosnian Serb Slobodan Mastilo, who was murdered by Bosnian Muslim forces in the Foca region.
executed and mutilated by Bosnian Muslim Territorial Defense forces on September 13, 1992 in Foca.
Bosnian Muslim troops murdered the entire Sekulovic family.
These little Serbs, Predrag and Danka Sekulovic, were slain with their parents on Sep. 13, 1992 by Bosnian Muslims in the village of Bakic on the road to Foca. He was 7, she was 4.

A Bosnian Serb mother grieves over her child – brutally murdered by Izetbegovic’s and Oric’s Islamist troops.

A Bosnian Serb mother grieves over her loved ones – brutally murdered by Izetbegovic’s/Oric’s Islamist troops.

Bosnian Serb family members grieve over their dead loved ones – brutally murdered by Izetbegovic’s/Oric’s Islamist troops.

The Milici Massacre, south of Srebrenica. Bosnian Muslim troops executed Bosnian Serbs and mutilated their bodies. On left, Ljubomir Jurosevic had his right eye cut out by Bosnian Muslim soldiers and his neck and chest showed signs of knife wounds.On right, the mutilated body of Bosnian Serb Dimitrije Alempic from Rogosije, who was executed by Bosnian Muslim soldiers. His body was mutilated and burned.
The bodies of two Bosnian Serbs in eastern Bosnia. On the right, a charred body of Zdravo Eric, who was killed and his body burned. Before burning him, Muslims took out the heart of this Christian as a sign of Islamic piety.
The body of a Bosnian Serb from Sarajevo, who was killed, mutilated, and burned. His body was thrown in the Miljacka river by Bosnian Muslim forces.
The corpse of Bosnian Serb civilian Radivoje Lukic, 59. The Bosnian Muslim paramilitaries “The Mosque Doves” or “Dzamijski Golubovi”, murdered him
with an axe to the head on October 8, 1992 in Klisa.
The Bosnian Muslim paramilitaries “The Mosque Doves” or “Islamski Golubovi”, murdered two elderly Bosnian Serb women near Zvornik north of Srebrenica.
Top, bodies of elderly Bosnian Serbs executed by the Bosnian Muslim paramilitary group The Mosque Doves, or Djamijski Golubovi near Zvornik in eastern Bosnia. The Mosque Doves executed 25 Bosnian Serb civilians. Left bottom, Bosnian Muslim forces crushed his skull with an axe, exposing his brain. Right bottom, the body of an elderly Bosnian Serb woman who was murdered by Bosnian Muslim forces.

Bosnian Serb civilian Zdravko Eric executed, burned and mutilated by the Bosnian Muslim paramilitary group Mosque Doves, Djamijski Golubovi, under Midhat Grahic fron Zvornik.

Srebrenica/Zvornik region: The body of a Bosnian Serb boy murdered by Naser Oric’s forces in the Srebrenica pocket in eastern Bosnia.

The body of Bosnian Serb Milovan Kovacevic whose body was mutilated and burned by Bosnian Muslim forces in Rogosije.

The decapitated head of Bosnian Serb farmer Pero Makic, who was executed by Bosnian Muslim/Croat forces in the northeastern Bosnian city of Brcko on June 22, 1992.
His head was placed on a pitch-fork and a cigarette was placed in his mouth. One of the forks of the pitch-fork was stabbed in his eye. This is a photo that was censored and suppressed in the West and the US.
(From: “The Suppressed Serbian Voice And The Free Press In America” By William Dorich, 1994 – pp 20, 22.)

Previous photo enlarged. The head of a Serb, Blagoje Blagojevic, held by an Arab Saudi/Afghan ‘Jihad’ fighter in Crni Vrh, Bosnia, 1992.

Previous 3 photos above) Alija Izetbegovic’s 10,000 strong Islamist fundamentalist “El Mujahedeen Unit”in Zenica, Bosnia on parade with green banners on their heads which read:“Our path is the Jihad” written in Arabic script.
See related articles,“Moderate Democrat or Radical Islamist? Who is Alija Izetbegovic, the man the US sponsored in Bosnia?”
“What really happened in Bosnia? Were the Serbs the criminal aggressors, as the official story claims, or were they the victims?”
“How the U.S. & Iran have Cooperated to Sponsor Muslim Terror(and this while loudly denouncing one another in public)”

What is this monument inscribed in Arabic script doing in Srebrenica (Potocari village), Bosnia? What is ex-president of the United States, Bill Clinton, doing here at the unveiling of this Arabic-inscribed monument dedicated to fallen al Qaeda Mujahedeen fighters in Srebrenica-Potocari, Bosnia? Why is Clinton bowing to this monument?
For the answers to these disturbing questions, see the articles
“Clinton opens a monument dedicated to Al Qaeda fighters and bows to it!”
“Srebrenica Controversy Becomes Increasingly Politicized and Ethnically Divisive, Increasing Pressure on Peacekeepers”
“Bosnian Official Links With Terrorism, Including 9/11, Become Increasingly Apparent as Clinton, Clark Attempt to Justify Support of Bosnian Militants”
“US Official Implicated With Bosnian High Representative Ashdown in Attempting to Force Fabricated Report on Srebrenica” at:
Source: American Defense League (ADL)
I have no words after viewing this! I think all citizens in this country should be forced to view these pics! There is no such thing as a "moderate" muslim.... They are only "moderate" until they have power. Once they have power, they become non-human killing machines. This is heartbreaking to see how these people were tortured. All in the name of your religion! The Catholics are no angels either. They are moderate until there is something monetary in it for them! Why can't we learn from our past??? There has to be a better way than this! No one wins!
ReplyDeleteI feel the need to answer to Your comment in order to make it clear that this post was not written by us, nor does it reflect Serbia SOS opinion on some isssues mentioned in it, such as the Jewish-Palestinian conflict or Muslims in general. We reposted it from American Defence League because those pictures of Serbian victims are important documents from that war and here at Serbia SOS we try to gather as much of documents regarding our people and that horible war, as we can. We are not against Muslims or any other religion and we believe that there are moderate Muslims, just like there are moderate Christians, Jews etc. Just like that, there are extremists on all sides, misinterpreting religion for their selfish or missguided purposes. One could easily look at photographs of what the French colonialists did to Algerians back in 1945 and see photos very similar to those we saw in this posts. Can we therefore label all Christians genocidal or extremists? What we saw here, in these photographs were acts of extremists and they don't burden the entirety of Muslim people, just like the acts of violence committed by Serbian extremists in that war doesn't represent all Serbs. Crimes were committed on all sides, but what we are trying to do here is to balance the media falsification of that war which painted only the Serbs and all of Serbs as Nazis and criminals, by showing our victims too and talking about the hisorical and political context of this violent dismemberment of Yugoslavia. I agree that no one wins in this kind of conflict even if one side seams to be the favored one in the media, because we are all connected and if we harm one person it will bounce back on us eventually.
DeleteВ который раз убеждаюсь, что мусульмане - тупые фанатики и скоты! Ислам - религия Дьявола! Нет никакого рая с гуриями! Это выдумки для безграмотных зомби-фанатиков! Хотите в каменный век - поверьте в сказку про Магомета!
ReplyDeleteМусульмане - тупые животные! Ислам - религия Дьявола! Эти фанатики думают, что попадут к гуриям... Не попадут! Их всех ждет огонь Ада! За те зверства, что они мусульмане людям, нет им прощения ни на том, ни на этом свете! Сербы, все русские с вами! Вы нам братья! Пусть Господь Бог покарает муслимов - убийц!