Mile Cavic fullfilled his ominous promise (photo:Standard) |
Belgrade - Mile Cavic (49), one of the workers of "Veterinary institution Glutin" who protested over unpaid wages, fulfilled the terrible promise and
set himself on fire this Thursday, exactly at 10:30 in front of the government building. The tragedy was avoided due to the fast reaction of his colleagues that took away his remaining gasoline and his jacket that has caught fire.
None of them knows the faith of another worker Milos Kovacevic, who also said he would commit suicide, because his cell phone is closed.
- You don't let me set myself on fire, but you can not stop me to throw myself off a bridge - Cavic shouted, trying to escape the grip of three colleagues who were trying to restrain him.
- I can not go back home, I have nothing to go back to. This morning I borrowed some money for the bread,
I can no longer live like that.